Chapter 4: Meeting

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It's been a few weeks of working at Lastra Incorporation. At this point, I would have thought I would have the ball rolling. However, it's been nothing, but just work. Cassian hasn't been around much as I would like him to be. According to Penelope who I befriended at this point. Cassian had several international meetings to attend these past weeks. He's a really busy man that's for sure.

"Here's your coffee," Penelope smiles as she hands me my cup of coffee.

"Thank you," I softly say exhausted from all the data entry I must do.

"In about an hour, Mr. Lastra will be coming in here to host a business meeting. I need you to set up since I'll be running a few errands," Penelope informs me as she takes a seat at her desk across from me.

"Of course," I respond thinking to myself that finally I'll have some sort of interaction with the young mobster. I dismiss myself for a few minutes making my way to the restroom.

 I dismiss myself for a few minutes making my way to the restroom

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Touching up my makeup and reapplying my lipstick. I am ready for this meeting. My father has been up my ass asking for reports since I started working here. I can tell by his impatience how much he wants to destroy Cassian Lastra. Sometimes I wonder what's the back story to this rivalry, but I know better than to ever ask for such information.

Taking a seat I quickly check on the time realizing how Penelope will soon take a break to run some errands. I complete a few data entries before Penelope finally stands up excusing herself. I stand up after she does, so I can start making my way to the break room to grab beverages and some pastries for this meeting.

Once everything is set, I take a breather. I didn't realize how much work it truly is to be running back and forth making sure everything is set ahead of time especially for such a large party.

"Bravo," a firm deep voice utters from behind me, which causes me to turn around coming face to face with Mr. Lastra.

"Oh I apologize, did I frighten you?," he says as he notices my sudden surprise from his arrival.

"Oh no worries, no need to apologize. I wasn't frighten at all," I respond. As I just let out the last few words I can't help, but be locked by his gray eyes that are staring back into mine.

"Great to know, great job by the way," he smiles as he observes the room taking a few steps further to fully have a view.

"Thank you," I smile in return taking a few steps to the right, so he can fully see the set up. As he continues to observe the set up. I take advantage to scan him, he dresses really well I will admit. He's wearing all black business wear, which make his irises pop a lot more. He looks very intimidating with his exotic perfectly sculpted features. His dark brown hair perfectly combed back with such a rebellious style to it.

"Is there anything else I can help with Mr. Lastra?," I ask. I stand in silence as I witness those gray eyes lock back with my eyes then watch as they scan me. I feel a bit nervous I must admit as I have no clue about his taste in women. So I'm hoping he likes what he's seeing to make this mission a lot more smoother for me.

"No, you can go ahead and take a break," he responds as he looks away proceeding to do whatever he must do for this meeting.

"Alright, thanks," I smile as I turn my heel exiting the conference room. However, before I fully leave I find myself coming to a halt.

"Mr. Lastra?," I say as I turn around.

"Yes?," he responds turning my way as well.

"Whatever you need feel free to reach out to me," I inform as I smile watching him nod in agreement before leaving to my desk.


There's five minutes left of my shift, so I start packing my belongings and wrapping up for the day. Penelope immediately stands up as I crease my brows together watching her. Mr. Lastra approaches her desk as I continue to pack my things.

"The yearly Halloween party must be all set for this upcoming Friday," he mentions to Penelope who is taking notes.

"Everything is set sir," Penelope replies. Penelope mentioned this to me already as it's something employees enjoy celebrating. I've never been to a Halloween party before, so I must admit this is something intriguing.

"You're welcome to join. I'm sure Penelope has already informed you about our yearly event. Feel free to invite any guest perhaps your significant other?," Mr. Lastra utters as he faces my way.

"Thank you, I'll be there. As for the significant other, well you see I'm single, so it'll just be me," I respond letting out a light giggle as I stand up ready to head home. I witness as Mr. Lastra chuckles, a smirk forms on the corner of his lips.

He has humor.

"I'm sure you'll make some friends at the party," he says before excusing himself from Penelope and I.


"So it's this Friday?"

"Yes," I reply watching my father pace back and forth taking in all the information I was able to gather today.

"You'll be good to go. I'll get Leone to cover your shift at the warehouse," he says as he takes a sip of his liquor. I nod as I turn my heel ready to leave his office before he clears his throat making me come to a halt.

"What do we say when leaving my presence?"

I roll my eyes clenching my jaw. I know exactly what to say after so many beatings, but perhaps I must be numb to the pain at this point as I ignore this part often.

"May I be excused boss?," I forcefully say turning back facing him. Every time I look into his eyes, it's so evident how much my very existence irritates him. If eyes could kill I would of been gone since the moment I was brought into this world. It's the same look I've ever known.

I watch as he takes steps towards me until he is close enough lifting his hand up letting it fly across my cheek causing my head to turn to the right. I swallow my words and hold in the fuming anger dangerously wanting to come out as my cheek throbs from the impact. I've lost count of how many times this man has put hands on me. If only I could end him once and for all. However, I wouldn't stand a chance going against his mafia all alone. The moment I get rid of him it's the same second I would accompany him.

"I hope this is the last time you behave so disrespectfully. Now out of my sight," he angrily says as he watches me leave his office.

Heading upstairs into my room I slam my door locking it. Immediately running towards my drawer grabbing my bottle of liquor taking a few swigs. As I throw myself onto my bed as I stare at the ceiling. A tear slides down my cheek without realizing it. Soon after, I shut my eyes wanting to disappear from this place, which I do as I drift into sleep.

The only place I'm away from this enslaved life.

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