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I glared down at the immense amount of scattered paper work in front me, the CZ 75 working well as a paperweight. The gun was black, smooth and of course, deadly. The man on the opposite side of the table however, wasn't as phased as I'd hoped he'd be. He stood with his arms crossed, tapping his lips with his his forefinger while his thumb pressed against his chin. He was relatively good looking, with his thick black hair, and pale skin, his eyes deep-set with dark circles beneath them, almost as if he never slept.

His name was Valentine, and he was helping me hunt down a stolen diamond from the Mafia Don's Wife's wedding ring.

"How did you get all this information?" Valentine questioned, a frown upon his brow.

"A couple of little birds told me. Now concentrate. They got on the train at this station, but they weren't on the damn thing at the next stop here," I traced my finger over the route on the map, my other hand fisting against the table. "That means that somewhere along here, they jumped off. And I'm betting it was in that tunnel, but there are only two exists on that tunnel, and no one saw them come out of either." I frowned, looking over the satellite images of the tunnel.

"Wait, little birds? Do you have spies that just, what? Sit and spy on anyone that passes?" He looked bewildered, and I had to roll my eyes. It used to be refreshing when no one knew of my... Dilemma, but with him, it was just downright frustrating. "No genius, that would be silly. I meant what I said literally, a bird told me, actually a lot of birds told me." I explained, rapping my knuckles against the solid wooden table.

He raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing what I'd just said. "You can talk to animals? Really?" He scoffed, throwing his head back and laughing, his whole body shaking. He had a wonderful laugh, it was almost impossible not to want to laugh with him, but I didn't. I glowered, pursing my lips and shaking my head. "Yes really. Make fun of it again, and you'll get a bullet in your foot." I threatened, grabbing the gun and shifting it closer, moving the papers around a little more at the same time.

He smirked, not phased, and tilted his head to the side. "The Don hired me personally to help with this search, I don't think he'd appreciate you putting holes in me." He stated, laying his hands flat on the table. There is was, the slight sting. I was the Don's best, and he still didn't trust me enough to let me solve this on my own. I could only put it towards the fact that sometimes people would burst into song around me, or maybe how every guy that fit a prince charming description usually fell on his knees, with about a dozen flowers at least three times a day, confessing his love for me.

I ground my teeth together. That was the only reason, or so I kept telling myself.

"The Don won't care how many holes I put in you, so long as you can still talk." I hissed, pushing myself away from the table, walking towards the mini fridge. I had just grabbed myself a bottled water when a raven came zooming into the room, cawing and landing on the middle of the table, his wings disturbing the papers as some fluttered to the floor.

Valentine shrieked, swatting his arms around, trying to chase it away. "Get away you stupid bird! Out!" He snapped, moving close enough to try to shove it, his waving hands having not worked.

George blinked his beady eyes at Valentine, snapping his beak around the poor guys fingers when he got to close, which earned him another yell and string of curses from Valentine.

"Enough!" I snapped, both male creatures spinning to face me. "George, you're back soon. Did you find anything?" I walked towards the elegant black bird, and knew my answer when he dropped his head. No my lady, no one saw anything leaving the tunnel, not even the pesky rats. I sighed, holding my arm out for him, he jumped up and gripped my forearm with his spiky claws. I ran my hand down his soft feathered back. "Thank you George. You did great!" I smiled warmly at him, his beady eyes big and dark. He perked up and ruffled his feathers, I'm pretty sure he'd be smiling.

I dug into my pocket, and pulled out a shiny silver coin. He cawed, flapping his wings in excitement. Shiny, shiny shiny! He took the coin in his beak, careful not to bite me, and rubbed his head against my hand before slipping off my arm and zooming back out, up the stairs.

I smiled after him, ravens did after all, love shiny things. I caught Valentine staring at me, his lips pressed together tightly. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What?" I snapped, leaning over the table again. He held a hand under his chin, his eyes dancing with humour. "So.." He started, extending the O, much like you would Moo. "You're a real life Disney Princess?" He bit his lip. I froze. Lifting my gaze slowly to meet his across the room, I growled menacingly. "Call me that again, and the Don be damned, I will cut out your tongue." My eyes flashing with pure rage.

His lips twitched, and he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. "I mean, it's cute." He shrugged, his eyes alight with pure undiluted laughter. I fumed, snorting. "Cute? Cute?" I stormed around the table, stalking towards him. "I am pure darkness! I am the night! People cower in fear at my very presence!" I was now standing directly in front of him. He stood a full head taller than me, why hadn't I noticed that before? His eyes where electric blue, glowing brightly as he seemed to resist the urge to laugh.

He smirked down at me with that infuriatingly sexy mouth. "Awww," He grinned, reaching up and poking my nose. "So cute!"

My jaw dropped as I fumbled for words. My mouth opening and closing. Not a sound escaping.

His smirk firmly in place, he skirted around me and went to the table, grabbing the gun and holding it out to me. "You can shoot me if you want, but I believe a trip to the station is required. I don't think they ever left the train." I grabbed the gun from his outstretched hand, it felt heavier than usual, my arm fell uselessly to my side.

He grabbed his coat slipping his arms through the sleeves and started up the stairs.

I shook my head, and followed after him, grabbing my leather jacket hanging over a nearby chair. This guy... This guy was trouble. And wait a second. Did he just... Oh the sly bastard. I growled and picked up my pace. He was going to regret that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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