Stardust Crusaders 38

Start from the beginning

"....Y/N...." Jotaro whispered, pain evident on his face, fists clenched as D'Arby observed you cautiously, chills running down his spine as he laid the cards down, revealing them.

"I see you are correct. Good job Jotaro." You praised him as you shifted your focus back to the gambler sitting in front of you, while Avdol gasped in surprise.

"He is right! And D'Arby shuffled the deck....How did you...."

"I can tell you the entire deck." Jotaro replied. "I guess Y/N can too, but unlike her, I used Star Platinum having him see the order of the cards when they were shuffled."

"Very interesting. But all I have to do is shuffle the cards where you cannot see them." D'Arby pointed out.

"Don't you get it? It is not going to be so easy for you anymore to cheat with Y/N as you opponent and me keeping watch. Just something Y/N and I thought you should know." Jotaro stated.

"You are catching on fast Jotaro, I am proud of you." You hummed.

"Good." D'Arby replied as you sighed pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Let's get it started, D'Arby shall we? Jotaro, please do not hold back if you see him trying to cheat." You muttered as D'Arby lied down an unopened card deck, humming. "The security seal..... An unbroken seal means the deck has not been tampered with." Breaking the seal you lied out the cards swiftly, inspecting them. "One Joker, I do not see anything unusual. It is a normal deck." You eyes trailed over to D'Arby, who was flipping through a book's pages without him looking at the side numbers as you smiled.

The page number is 538.... 540.....No, page 556. D'Arby thought, glancing at the page. Has not failed me yet. I can tell which page it is simply by touch. Jotaro's Star Platinum may have incredible visual prowess and so does milady but I can remember everything by touch. I know the exact location of every card, shuffled or not. I cannot lose.

Having shuffled the cards you laid them on the table.

"Okay! Open the game!" You declared dramatically as D'Arby took the first card of the deck

"Ten of hearts." D'Arby said, showing the card as you drew yours.

"Seven of clubs~" You sighed in disappointment. "You will be dealing then, what a shame."

I need to shuffle the cards at an angle Star Platinum and milady won't see. D'Arby thought, stopping to shuffle." Please cut the deck, milady."

"My pleasure." You replied, taking the deck, taking off the upper halt, putting the other half on top of the other, shoving the deck back at the gambler, letting him deal.

Smirking while taking the deck D'Arby leaned back: "And now I will deal.....Milady....Me.....Milady ...... Me.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" D'Arby cried out in pain as Star Platinum broke his right index finger swiftly as your face showed no reaction, the sickening crack, echoing through the café like eerie music.

"What? What happened? Jotaro his finger! Star Platinum just broke D'Arby's finger!" Avdol yelled in surprise.

"You won't be cheating anymore, D'Arby. Especially not with Y/N." Jotaro stated, ignoring the Egyptian fortune teller, who threw a nervous glance in your direction.

"He tried to cheat? When? He was just dealing the cards.....I did not see him do anything suspicious. Y/N, what did he do?" Avdol questioned you and your godson.

"Avdol, would you take a good look at the cards in the left hand? The second card is sticking out.... That is the card he tried to deal me. Jotaro, just interfered, because he noticed it too." You smiled gently.

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