Ukm 2 : that's top secret information I can't tell you that

Ukm 1 :  like shit you can't tell me you've been  me dragging Me Halfway Around the World tracking some damn hacker and now you've got the hackers girlfriend you better tell me what this is all about

Ukm 2 : I'll tell you when the time is right how long did you say before the drug wears off

Ukm 1 : in  about 15 minutes should be

Ukm 2 :  good I can't wait to get started on her and if she doesn't give us  what we want we'll  keep her for a couple of days as it is she already told her parents she's on the family Island so they won't miss her for a couple of days

Ukm 1 : but can you really do that can you really hit a woman

Ukm 2 : why not maybe pain will make her say what she has to say and  give us all the information she has . I can't  wait to get his ass I'm going to make sure he rots in jail for a very long time make sure he never see  the sunlight again

Ukm 1 :  what has he done I mean I know hackers they steal government information all the time what about this is that is so different

Ukm 2 : like I said I'll tell you when the time is right looks like our princess is awake let's get to it

I opened my eyes I didn't even look around I didn't even look up I just did not have time for this

Mc : what the fuck do you want from me that you had to come to my house

Ukm 2 :  well well you are a feisty little thing aren't you

MC : you have no idea

Ukm 2 : well princess can I call you princess

mc : you can call me whatever the hell you want to call me

Ukm 2 :  very well then princess You'll Be Our Guest for a couple of days that is unless you give us all the information that you have and then we can send you on your merry little  way

MC :  Oh you mean my Merry Little way like Sam you killed my best friend

Ukm 2 :  all you had to do was call on your cell phone that's all we wanted

MC : yeah so you can spy on me

Ukm 2 :  okay let's cut to the chase

MC  : I wish you would and there's no need for blondie over there to hide his face I know exactly who he is the next time you're going to go tailing someone Blondie make sure to dress appropriately as it is dress shoes does not match with ripped jeans and metallic t-shirts especially if you got blonde hair like yours

I could see it they were shocked they didn't think I figured it out they looked at each other

Ukm 2 : my my you are a smart little thing so tell me what you know about the hacker what is his name

I started laughing this was crazy

MC : you're asking me for the name of someone that everyone around the world knows

Ukm 2 :  meaning

Mc : oh come on you really don't know his name

Ukm 2 : if I did I would not be asking you

Mc : his name has been all over the internet all social media sites even on television do you remember the movement I am

ukm 2 :  Jake so what is his last name

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