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Oliver's head was spinning. It wasn't the whisky he had the night before, but that probably wasn't really helping.

Memories from the night before were circling in his mind in a dizzying way that almost made him question if it was all a dream, until he realized the bed he was in wasn't his own. The freshly bleached white sheets that covered his, taking a look and... yup, naked body, were not the ones on his bed. He took in the modern room from the king sized bed he was alone in, modernly furnished with light woods and lots of plants - it reminded him of a hotel he stayed at in Copenhagen once.

Scrambling to find his phone, he looked to see that it was only 730, but he wanted to get to the office early to practise his presentation for the day. The client, a popular men's suit chain, was coming in for 1pm and he wanted to go over everything with Nate - his copywriter.

Just as he was scrolling through his phone he heard the room door open and a track suit wearing Trevor came in holding two coffees.

"Look who's awake!" He jested as he held the monochromatic mug out to Oliver. "Wasn't sure how you took your coffee so I put a little oat milk and have sugars in my pocket if you need it" Trevor said patting his side and sitting on the edge of the bed.

The two of them sat there for a moment in silence. Trevor looking out the window to a lush backyard full of more greenery, Oliver pretending to be looking at the same thing but really looking between Trevor and the view he was enthralled with.

"So.." Trevor started, but before he could get a word in Oliver seemed to jump.

"I should probably go right?" Oliver ask/said his face turning a bright red, to which Trevor let out a small laugh.

"Only if you want to." Trevor got up and walked around to the side Oliver was on. "I was just going to tell you that the shower is to your left of you want to jump in." He put his hand in Oliver's hair "you kind of smell like sex, which is a smell I like, but your other colleagues might find..." he shrugged with the end of this sentence and gave the back of Oliver's neck a nice squeeze.

"For the record, I don't normally do this" Trevor continued as he got up from the bed. "As much of a line as that sounds like." He walked to his closet and was ruffling through looking it. "I do like a level of discretion however."

"Same here," Oliver started. "It's actually been longer than I'd like to admit." To which Trevor gave a slight snort.

"Well you sure didn't seem rusty last night." He laughed. "You have the pitch meeting today right?" Trevor's tone took a more serious turn.

"Yeah, I should probably hop in the shower if you don't mind, wanted to get in early and prep." Oliver gave a big swig of his coffee and looked for his underwear as not to run around naked in the room. "Plus I need to head home for a change of clothes... have you seen my underwear?" Oliver asked.

"Right, I've got one of the innocino suits here.." Trevor pulled a garment bag from his wardrobe. "You're more than welcome to wear this, and would be a good look for the client to see you in their product." He smiled and dropped it on the edge of the bed, leaning down and passing Oliver's underwear to him.

Channeling an awkward school boy in a change room for the first time, Oliver tried to tuck himself into his underwear and not make it obvious that he was getting semi aroused as the coffee brought him back to life.

"Too bad it's not an underwear company, wouldn't mind seeing that pitch meeting." Trevor joked, breaking the tension of the room and making Oliver blush across his back and neck. "I usually leave here around 8 to get in before most of the other people arrive, if you'd like a drive in."

The way Trevor said this was more of a statement to Oliver on what he was going to do but with enough room that it could be taken as a question.

Loading himself in the bathroom, Trevor had laid out a towel, toothbrush and all the products he would need to get ready. Taking a step into the shower, Oliver let the warm water wash over him from the rain shower head.

Just as he was putting his face under the water he heard the shower door open and saw Trevor standing there with those brown eyes staring in awe at him.

"Is this okay?" Trevor asked, to which Oliver nodded and pulled him under the warm water and felt their growing cocks rub together.

The taste of coffee on their tongue, they kissed under the streak and let their hands glide across each other's body's. Oliver let his hands glide down to the other mans cock and gave it a pleading tug. "Fuck" Trevor breathlessly moaned into Oliver's ear. Giving the fully grown cock in his hand another pump and getting a louder more gutteral moan, Oliver got down and teased the now exposed cock head with his tongue. "You do that so good" Trevor cried out as Oliver took the mans cock in his mouth, slowing making his way down the 8" member. Slowly bobbing his head up and down, feeling blood swell in the cock, Oliver knew he going a good job, his own dick oozing Pre cum. Placing both his heads on Oliver's head, Trevor began to slowly face fun the younger man on his knees. "I'm going to cum soon, I'm going to cum soon" he began to say over and over.

Oliver pulled his head back and stood up, turning around and pulling Trevor in close so the mans saliva covered cock was wedged right between his butt cheeks "fuck me like you were deep in my ass" Oliver demanded, turning his head back to kiss Trevor with the flavour of his own cock. Trevor grabbed Oliver's hips and continued to thrust forward hitting Oliver's hungry asshole with each thrust up. Reaching around, he started to rub the precum soaked cock and Oliver gave a moan out for more.

The two of them stayed in this position for a while, thrusting and pumping, moaning and begging for more until one after the other they came with what seemed like a loud battle cry followed by a small chuckle from each.

"Well I guess that settles that question.. " Trevor smiled, kissing Oliver's neck.

"Oh, trust me -" Oliver started, placing both hands on either side of Trevor's face and looking in his eyes "I can take just as hard as I can give."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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