ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Early 1920

Mary Alice sat on one of the window seats in the day room of the asylum she was committed to. She wasn't really paying attention to anything in particular, her attention loosely held by the light drizzle of rain that was starting to pour outside rather than anything that was taking place inside.

She had been here for a few months now, maybe even a year— she honestly couldn't remember how long. Of course, that small amount of time was enough to render Mary Alice Brandon into someone unrecognizable to those who knew her before her metaphorical (and sometimes literal) imprisonment. Shortly after being admitted, there was a large outbreak of Typhoid within the walls of the asylum and all patients were required to shave their heads. So, with a heavy heart, and without much choice, Mary Alice was forced to depart with her long, dark locks and now dawned a much shorter hairstyle. It had grown out some by now, leaving the young woman with a perpetual bed-head that she never even took notice of due to the lack of mirrors around. Even if she could see her hair, it would be the least of her worries.

Being brought in for treatment of her precognitive 'visions' meant that she was forced to endure electroshock therapy. They started off mild and on an infrequent basis, but as Mary Alice spent more time within the facility and showed no signs of improvement, the treatments became more dangerous and occurred much more often. These frequent sessions caused the young woman to lose all of her memories, being left a shell of who she once was. However, even with all her struggles and strife— even with the predicament she was in now— Mary Alice Brandon continued to flourish and have a bright, refreshing personality. That, and the treatments never rid the young woman of her visions, which she was grateful for.

Pale, creamy skin with a smooth complexion.

Brown, curly locks that were windswept and tangled, but still managed to fall gracefully.

Beautiful, blue eyes that were such a bright shade, it was as if the clearest summer skies were captured in her irises.

A shy smile accompanied with dusted cheeks and the softest of touches.

And one name to match the face—

"Delilah..." Alice whispered, her eyes still a million miles away as she seared the young woman's features in her mind. She was the most beautiful woman Mary Alice had ever seen in her life and she felt a warmth bloom in her chest when Delilah smiled at her in her vision. If her body was reacting physically, then certainly it was important.

She couldn't wait to meet Delilah for real.


For the following three days after her first initial vision of Delilah, Mary Alice had seen nothing else but herself and the beautiful brunette. Both during the day, and at night. Alice loved sitting there and watching them; Both of them looked so happy and she found these small snippets of the future bringing her hope. She loved looking at and observing Delilah's features and searing it into her memory; It was her favorite way to pass the time. But today's vision brought a little bit of pain to her heart.

A vehicle slowly rolled up the front lawn and stopped in front of the doors to the facility. The orderlies walked around to the back and pulled out a familiar figure with curly, brown locks. Delilah was struggling to break free from her restraints and even went as far as to spit in one of their faces. For her insubordination, she wasn't allowed to meet the others, instead she was thrown into her room and locked in.

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