Chapter 15: Smoke and Mirrors

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"Boss, we have a problem."

Diana's words played in an endless loop in Peter's head. When she called him from Fordham University, Peter knew—he just knew—that Neal was at the center of it. Diana and Mozzie were spending a second day at the art gallery in the hopes Joanna would return. Their bet paid off. Joanna was once more among the participants. He should be feeling elated, but instead he was stewing over what the collateral damage would be.

Neal was gone when Diana contacted him. He'd been dispatched on a grunt assignment to deliver evidence to a federal court. Peter texted him to come to his office as soon as he returned.

While he waited, he contacted Henry. Upon hearing the news, Henry wanted to be present when Neal was informed. Henry's office was close to the Federal Building and he sped over well before Neal was due back. But Peter's hope that Henry could answer his questions was quickly dashed.

"I knew there was something fishy about her," Henry said, his face grim. "But Neal's been so touchy about his social life that I haven't been able to talk with him about it. How serious do you think he is?"

Peter groaned. "This is Neal, remember. Who can tell what's a tease and what's not? I've seen Bianka a few times when I visited him at his studio. At the end of July, he told me he was thinking of dating someone. I suspected it was Bianka. About a week ago I saw them in a passionate embrace on the street during the lunch hour—"

Henry cut short a curse. "That confirms it," he said, slapping his hand on the desk.

Does it? Peter thought back. He'd joshed Neal about the exhibition he and Bianka had put on. Neal had dismissed the significance. He'd said something to the effect that she was one of many. Was Neal telling him the truth or was he throwing sand in his eyes? He didn't explain one of many what. Was that a classic Caffrey deflection? Peter took it to mean one of many women he dated but it could have been one of many people he knew. Neal didn't lie to him but he knew how to skate right to the edge.

"What did Neal tell you?" Henry demanded. "Give me his exact words."

Peter broke off his explanation when he saw Neal outside his door.

When Neal entered, he took one look at Henry and grinned. "Did Graham call to complain about me again?" He closed the door behind him and leaned against it. "What's up?"

"Diana phoned in a report an hour ago," Peter said. "I was bringing Henry up to speed. You better take a seat."

Neal raised an eyebrow, glancing at Henry, but his cousin's expression would only alert him of the gravity of the situation.

"Our mystery woman met someone at the art gallery during the lunch hour." Peter paused for a moment, searching in vain for a delicate way to phrase it. Neal was looking at him eagerly. What would he look like once he heard? "Her name is Bianka Kaldy." Neal's eyes narrowed but he showed no other emotion as Peter described the details of the meeting. "They sat down in a corner alcove. Diana couldn't get close enough to hear the conversation, but it went on for about fifteen minutes. Apparently Joanna was mainly asking questions. Bianka did most of the talking. At the end, Joanna nodded as if in approval.

"Was there any physical contact?" Henry asked.

"Joanna clasped Bianka's hand briefly when she left. Bianka stayed in the gallery for a few minutes before she too departed. Mozzie followed Joanna back to the symposium. He alerted Sofia and Radha but so far there's been no other interaction."

"Bianka works for Ydrus ..." Neal took a breath. "We suspected we were being monitored. Bianka arrived on campus in early June." His jaw worked for a moment. "Klaus knew about my art studio. He'd visited me there, met Keiko. He must have described every detail to Rolf."

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