Chapter 10 Gordon initiates an attack.

Start from the beginning

A mighty thud then hit the ship.

"What the hell is that?" Dan asked as he turned to look at the ceiling.

"I don't know," replied Sam.

Everyone froze from where they were. Curious about current events, Diana removed her headsets and closed her Macbook. She got up from her chair and scoped around.

Sam and Dan looked at each other with disbelief. Then they directed their gaze at the cockpit door and stormed there in pursuit. When Sam burst into the cockpit, he found Barney lying on the steering wheel; his shirt was drenched with blood. Fortunately, the plane had a built-in system that enabled it to continue flying on autopilot if something happened to the pilot. Sam rushed to the panels and addressed his siblings through the speaker.

"Guys, brace yourself; it looks like we've got company. "

Sam and Dan approached the other two from the cockpit. Instinctively, they formed a circle.

"I wonder what's coming for us," Harrison said, with a voice laced with trepidation.

"Guys, be ready for anything," replied Sam.

"I'm always ready," said Diana.


From outside of the jet, a space scout ship trailed after them. The figure who assumed the helm was none other than Gordon. He activated the ship's arsenal system, releasing a series of plasma cannons underneath the spaceship.

From inside the jet, Dan turned to face Sam with a smile, "I'm gonna do something you won't like. It's nothing personal."

He stretched his hand towards the ceiling and launched a heat blast. The hungry flames devoured through the matter of the roof until nothing but a large gape was eventually carved.

"What is that?" Harrison inquired as he locked eyes with the scout ship approaching them.

"I don't know," replied Sam.


"Shall I commence with the attack, sir?" Fox Fire inquired from inside the scout ship.

Gordon touched his lower lip and answered, "Yes."

While Foxfire initiated the attack, he thought, "So these puny pests are Caldor's children, hey? What a joke! Well, let's see what they can do. Entertain me, brats!"

Foxfire fired numerous plasma beams at the jet plane, and Sam retaliated by launching U.V. rays from his hands into the plasma beams. An immense explosion occurred when the elements came in contact with each other.

Gordon rubbed his chin and smirked, "How fascinating?"

Diana propelled herself in the air through the gape with her aura. She stretched her hands towards the scout ship and thrust forth a series of air-pressure projectile attacks. The projectile attacks struck the vessel with significant impact. They also caused the metal components of the ship's exterior and the cannons to rust. Even the thrusters began to deteriorate and slowly struggled to work effectively.

"Sir, it appears that we have a list of problems. For starters, the canons are no longer in use. Also, the thrusters are failing to produce the required heat to help the ship remain in the air."

A scowl filled Gordon's face; he then pressed a red button. It released another cannon from the right side of the scout ship. From there onward, the canon fired a massive plasma beam, incinerating the jet's right-side wind turbine.

Then, the jet sank downward while gravity yanked the four away from its floor and into the abyss. Since Harrison couldn't fly, Sam flew to him and carried him away while Diana and Dan took possession of flight through their powers.


The four landed on the ground after some time.

"Is everyone alright?" Sam inquired with concern.

They nodded and directed their gazes towards the scout ship, which advanced towards them from the dark, black sky. As it flew towards them, it fired more plasma beams at them. When the rays came in contact with them, they were repelled away as they collided through a row of trees.

When Dan sat up after falling on his back, he held his chest, "Uh man, this has been one lousy day."

"Nchoo, and here I thought you were Mr. Tough Guy, " taunted Diana.

"Shut your cry hole!" He retorted while she chuckled at him.

They got up to their feet and formed a circle again, with their fists tucked aside and their dominant legs positioned forward. Although they formed a circle to increase their chances of survival, fear still held them hostage. As they looked around, their guards escalated while their bodies responded to the situation.

A clump of veins danced around Dan's fist as he tightened it. Meanwhile, Diana'a pupils dilated. Harrison's heartbeat increased while Sam's breathing also increased.

"Where are you?" Sam pondered.

The scout ship approached them from a southerly direction. This indicated that it moved opposite from where it began when it attacked them. Harrison was the first to catch a glimpse of it from afar. As it advanced in his direction, his lungs began to inflate. He shouted at the top of them after that.

"It's coming this way!"

They broke their circle and stood in a row while the ship sped toward them. They looked at each other first before deciding to attack. They prepared their attacks with a nod while Gordon laughed maniacally from inside the ship.

"Oh, so you decided to be sitting ducks for me; thanks for the offer; I'll gladly take it." He cackled and pressed the red button dozens of times. At that moment, it's as if he were a child possessed by the idea of repeatedly pressing the lights. As such, the ship fired numerous plasma beams at them.

The four separated from where they stood while the beams incited an explosion in the soil that once supported their weight. Having spread in different locations, they, too, advanced towards the scout ship from different directions. For instance, Sam approached the ship using flight from the right, while Dan flew to the vessel from the left using his flames.

When that happened, they sandwiched the ship. Much to his oblivion, Gordon thought he had wounded them so severely that they couldn't defend themselves. However, as you know, fate is not so kind. Sam fired a U.V ray from his side while Dan fired a heat blast from his side. The two forces incinerated the trusters completely.

"Warning, warning, warning, all thrusters have been critically damaged, prepare for a devastating landing," exclaimed Foxfire while Gordon widened his eyes with shock.

"What?" He commented.

Diana appeared from above the vessel and launched more projectile attacks at it. The projectile attacks struck the ship and spread a field of rust around it.

As the ship flew over Harrison in a downward direction, the young lad grabbed a boulder with his hands and threw it at the spaceship. The boulder triturated the vessel when it came in contact with the ground. After that, a vast explosion erupted.

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