I'm being really selfish because I want him all for myself.

Kiki Williams' POV

"It's okay man." I heard a voice say

A pretty familiar voice.

"It's just that I feel really guilty. No one was paying attention to her and look what happened"

That was David

"You need to forgive yourself and start correcting your mistake"

An unfamiliar voice said.

It sounded like a little girl.

There was silence before I heard a sigh.

I opened my eyes.

I glanced around the room.

At my left was David, Ethan and an unfamiliar little girl.

David was sitting on a sofa, Ethan was standing with him, hands on David's right shoulder while a little unknown girl was leaning by the wall.

No one else was in the room.

"David" I croaked

Their heads shot up to me

David rushed to me and helped me sit up. He offered me some water which I took, while at that Ethan left to call the doctor.

"How are you? Does anywhere hurt? Can you mov-"

"I'm fine" I cut David off

"You got me really scared. I almost lost you" I just stared blankly at him.

I was void of emotions. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I couldn't feel anything. I just want to be alone.

The doctor rushed in and examined me then assured them that I was okay.

I stopped the doctor as he was about to leave

"I want to have a word with you in private" I told him

"Uhmm. Okay miss" he replied

"We'll wait outside. In the mean time, I'll call Mum and Dad to let them know you are awake"

"Don't" I deadpanned

"But why?!"

"I'm not ready to face them"

I am not scared of them, I'm just too angry to see them.

They all gave me a look. David nodded and everyone left apart from the doctor.

"Please I need a huge favour from you"

"And what may that be?"

"Doctor please promise me you will fufill it"

"I need to know what it is first"

"Please I desperately need you to lie."

"What?! Lie?"

"Yes. I need you to lie to everyone. Tell them that I have some complications, just cook up something"


"I want to keep staying here. If you tell them I'm fine, I'll get discharged and I want to be far from that house which they call home" I explained

He gave me a look.

"But this is against my profession. I could get in serious trouble if I'm caught besides my religion won't let me" he declined

"Please. I desperately need this" I pleaded

"I'm sorry but I can't help you. If you have a problem solve it out with your family" he proceeded to leave.

"I'll kill myself" I said to his hearing

He halted his steps

"Please do it or I'll kill myself. Trust me I'm not bluffing sir. If I could stop taking my drugs when I knew the consequences what more a few cuts on my wrist" I threatened

"Little girl what is wrong with you?" He whispered in disbelief

"Are you in or not sir?" I asked

"Fine but please don't hurt yourself. Talk to your family. Communication helps a lot" he advised.

I gave him a nod and he left

I raised up my hospital shirts and stared at the marks on my tummy.

Cut marks.

I don't give a damn in the world any more.

I'm depressed.

I'm lonely

Experiencing a broken and fake, clout chasing family relationship made me who I am.

I should be enjoying my childhood.

I should be given freedom but instead I'm tied down with a diseases.

I'm to survive by taking medications everyday.

I don't have friends because I don't know people my age apart from those bunch of snubs I meet at family functions.

Even at all these, my parents wouldn't even give me enough attention.

All they care about is the fame, the awards, the company and their wealth.

Mum even tried to give us more attention but Dad is the worst.

They aren't even here.

It's like I live with a stranger.

I can't hug my own dad.

I can't ask him to get me things when he leaves for work

I don't even know his other name, I found out from the internet.

Everything is toxic for me

I feel neglected


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