Chapter 24 - Lost my heart ('19)

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Jill listened as Nicole sobbed on the phone. She told her what had happened between her and Waverly. How she asked Waverly to marry her, only to be rejected, how Waverly left abruptly, giving no clear indication as to where they were going with the relationship.

"Nicole, Waverly will have had her reasons for answering your proposal the way she did. This will need patience on your side and the ability to listen to her. I understand you're upset, but there are two of you in this. Have you spoken to her since?"

"Only a few texts. She said it's for the best. What if this is it? What if she no longer wants us?"

"We've talked about this. You must allow her to have the time and space to be in this relationship the way she chooses. I suggest you let her make contact when she is ready."

"Do I tell her that? Do I tell her to make contact with me when she's ready?"

"You can. It would be best if you let Waverly do so in her own time. But, I sense you are anxious. As, we've discussed, it is best not to put too much pressure on Waverly. Allow her the opportunity to come to her own decision on where you will go."

Nicole left a voicemail, telling Waverly she loved her, telling her she would let her make up her own mind, telling her she had spoken to Jill. Waverly listened, wanting to call Nicole, to explain her reasons for going now, fearful if she did she might be persuaded to stay.

She called Jill instead. "Hi, sorry, it's Waverly."

"How are you?" Jill replied. "I've spoken with Nicole, I understand there have been a few issues."

"You could say that. I'm sorry, I won't be able to make our appointments for the next few months. I've decided to take up that offer to study in Paris."

"That's great. I'm pleased for you. I'm assuming you haven't told Nicole."

"Not yet. I know it looks like I'm doing what she did to me, but I will be in contact as soon as I'm settled. I simply need to find me again."

There was a pause as Jill pondered Waverly's approach. "I understand your reasons for doing it this way. I know we talked in depth about you following your own passions, growing from your experience. I'm a little concerned this wasn't something you felt you could discuss with Nicole."

"You're right. As always. I do need to tell her. No, you're right. I can't simply run away. Jill, thank you. I'll call her. I promise."

"I wish you every success in Paris. Let me know how it goes."

Waverly hung up, staring at the phone in her hand, realising she needed to tell Nicole. There was no reason for her to hide this from her. She had to tell her. "Hi, are you okay?"

"No. I've lost you."

"You haven't. Trust me, you really haven't, but I've not been honest with you. I need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"When you left, when I couldn't reach you, part of me left with you. I wanted you in my life so badly and when you vanished something inside me vanished too."

"Waves, I'm sorry. I've totally fucked up your life."

"No. It's actually okay. Nicole, it's okay. You coming back into my life showed me something I wasn't prepared to look at in myself. I was using what happened to stay stuck. And, when you came back I no longer had that as an excuse. But, I was still stuck."

"I think I follow. So, I've helped you. Is that what you're saying?"

"More than you'll ever know. I need to go somewhere. I've been putting this off for a long while. And, you need to let me go do this."

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