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   A summer breeze blew in from the open balcony doors in Hinata's nesting room jostling his orange curled tresses around as the Seraph Prince remained buried deep underneath his satin and silk bed sheets and duvet. The golden and blue hued fabrics pooled around Hinata's waist as he sat up with a yawn and threw his arms above him in a stretch. Eyes of darkened honey cracked up to squint at the early morning light and when the warm rays hit the Seraph's bare chest, the Prince stretched out his large wings, that nearly took up the entirety of his custom-made bed. Cracking his neck and rolling out his shoulders, Hinata cast a glance at his outstretched wings to inspect his multicolored feathers. Sleek black feathers were tipped with shimmering shades of gold, silver, and bronze that changed in hue when the sunlight caught them just right. Grimacing and furrowing his feathery brows, Hinata took note of the few feathers that jutted out on either wing and decided he'd have to find time to go for a dust bath and preen himself soon. Darkened honeyed eyes glanced down from where the Seraph sat high above the marble flooring in his perch of an alcove bed. Hinata moved to dangle his legs over the edge which would've seemed dangerous if he were a mere human. Glancing out his balcony and into the clouds, the Seraph Prince all but deflated. Today he'd have to begin his wedding preparations and meet his soon to be life partner. Hinata had only met the Deabruin Prince one other time when they were both thirteen, they'd been conceived to bring the two species together and eventually if the gods see fit make their own Hybrid offspring to rule both Kingdoms and protect the human realm. Hinata's whole life was planned before he'd even took his first breath and today began the end of what little freedom he had. The Seraph was snapped out of his thoughts as his nesting room's doors being heaved open and in walked the Seraph Queen and two servants who stature were obviously Celestials guessing by their small wingspans.

"Shouyou," The Seraph Queen called as she extended her white and red speckled wings fully and she addressed her son. Hinata flinched, she only puffed out her wings like that when she was upset with the person she was dealing with or they were in front of company as to show her stature as one of the few Archangels. "Come down here dear." The Queen spoke as she folded her wings back in slowly to rest against the sweeping cut of her floor length flowy deep purple gown with gold trim. Gulping down his fear causing his Adam's apple to bob slightly, Hinata stood up on his perched alcove bed and fluttered his wings slightly before angling them down and stepping off the plush memory foam mattress. Using his light weight and single downward flap of his strong wings, the Seraph Prince glided down to his nest-room floor.

"Good morning Mother," Hinata spoke dipping his chin slightly as a show of respect as he barely met her amber gaze. The Queen's orange locks fell down to her waist in thick curs mimicking those of her sons despite his hair having the underside buzzed. A popular hairstyle for male warrior Seraphs and considering the Seraph Prince's extensive military training it wasn't long before the hairstyle became his go to whenever he needed it done.

"Good morning," her tone wasn't as friendly as it was when she sent him off to bed early to rest the night before. "As you know the Deabrus will be here soon to make their grand entrance at the Summer Festival's Ball. And I want you to look the best you can when you're reintroduced to the Prince." The Queen spoke raking her eyes over her messy looking son with a soft smile that barely reached her gaze. "That means, traditional Archangel makeup, Summer attire, jewelry, and I want your feathers preened." The Queen then turned her attention to the two shorter women besides her. "Miss Akita and Miss Haruna will be helping you with those after you finish your morning training." The two female servants curtsied in respect as they sent quick flashy smiles to the Seraph Prince.

"Of course, mother." Hinata said softly hiding his disappointment behind another dip of his head as he cast his darkened honeyed eyes out into the sky from his balcony. It seemed to call to him, wanting to be explored and claimed by the young Archangel. His wings twitched and feathers shifted slightly as he decided he'd have to give up his afternoon fly around the city of Iidrena in favor of getting completely done up for the annual summer celebration.

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