Episode 5- Turning Tables

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WARNING: This next immunity challenge is absolutely an acid trip, to stick to the theme of the Galaxy and give the story an identity. If it's not your cup of tea, skip over it.

Jeff is hiding behind a rock with the cameraman, as a group of Boos float nearby.

Probst: *whispering* Last time on, Survivor:

The Grey Tribe was recovering from the chaotic tribal council. With Vince no longer there, Todd started to have thoughts about his place. He however joined Hobbs and Charlie in the Samoan Slap Dance, relief with a bit more pain from the last Tribal.

Meanwhile on the Yellow Tribe, Jakob, Natasha, and D'Vorah scouted out their first target: Walter. Sensing he's been in danger from the start, he, along with Ricegum, looked to form an alliance with Peyton, their target: D'Vorah. While Peyton, Walter, and Rice all agreed, Natasha and Jakob had other plans, Natasha needing D'Vorah for the finals, and Jakob needing D'Vorah due to seeing Peyton's leadership the same way.

On the Neon Tribe, Peggy and Kitana discussed Eva's plan and elimination. Both still willing to work together if the time came. Peggy found herself at a crossroads on what to do with Kano, but he seemed like the next target. Speaking of Kano, he found the second half of the half idol, first found by Peter. With an immunity idol and half of another, Kano has other plans for the women.

At the challenge, it came close between Grey and Yellow during the Maze challenge, but Charlie clinched the win. Walter on the other hand, faced huge odds. Jakob, Natasha, and D'Vorah set their sites on Walter. However, the chemist turned into Heisenburg, and managed to create a convincing idol. Before Tribal, Peyton had the two sides meet up, minus D'Vorah. She was the target on paper, but at Tribal with people on her side, she tied up with Walter's ally, Ricegum. The Yellows split, and whoever went home was left to a challenge: drink a full glass of cattle blood. D'Vorah won with ease, as Ricegum got Ricedumped back home.

Tonight, TWO more people will be sent home. 14 people left, which two will get voted out next?

The Boos start to laugh as the camera goes static.

Yellows: Natasha, Walter, Peyton, D'Vorah, Jakob.
Neons: Kano, Peggy, Peter, Kitana.
Greys: Charlie, Todd, Jess, Maggie, Hobbs.

Yellow Tribe- Day 9

Peyton, Natasha, and Jakob all carry a net.

Natasha: These things are quick. Do you have the spear?

Both men hold them up.

Natasha: Awesome. Peyton, you know what to do.

A couple Goombas are outside. Peyton jumps out of the bushes and starts punching air.

Peyton: You don't want this fight! You don't want it!

The two goombas did want it though, as they head straight for him! Jakob and Natasha however throw the net over them, as the 3 pin them in! Jakob takes a spear and stabs into them! The other one runs in fear until Peyton stabs it! Some of its blood sprays on his leg.

Peyton: So messy.

They take the net off, pick them up, and set them by the fire.

Natasha: Used to cook weirder during my vacation to Russia.

Jakob sideyes her as Peyton just shrugs and walks away.

Peyton: Different Galaxy, blah blah...

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