Episode 11- Trust Their Truths

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Brown Tribe- Day/Night 21

Everyone is walking back, as Natasha sits next to Walter by the fire.

Natasha: That was risky. Lucky it went your way.

Walter: Lucky I am.

The convo is inaudible as it's confessional time seconds in again.

Walter: My original plan was to take out Peter right away. But then came the rock draw which could have screwed the whole thing up! Then, Kitana, who is definitely not flipping to me due to Kano, leaves. While I wanted it to be Peter or Natasha, we still have the numbers up on them.

Natasha decides to head in, and after that, Kano exits the cave and heads to Walter.

Kano: For a minute I was about to sh*t myself.

He high fives Walter.

Kano: The rest of this is Boring Survivor, right?

Walter: We could use a bit of boring gameplay for a change. We'll meet with Charlie and Jess here soon to draft out the rest of our gameplan.

Kano: Ok, mate.

The two part ways as another Walter confessional starts.

Walter: Last night, we hit the first shot..now it's time to finish him off. Can't drag this out any longer, this ends NOW...

Day 22

Walter, Kano, Jess, and Charlie all meet by the sand.

Walter: We should keep this plan simple: If Hobbs loses immunity, vote him out. If Natasha pulls an idol, vote Peter. If Peter pulls an idol, vote Natasha. We'll pick them off one by one. They are the three biggest threats to win, so they need to leave. Got it?

The other 3 nod.

Walter: If Hobbs wins specifically tonight, we'll take out Peter. He'll be a liability.

Kano: Sounds damn good to me!

Jess: We'll vote Peter.

Walter slowly nods.

Walter: Good. Then all we have to do is cruise to Final 4. With Kano by our side, Hobbs may not see a fourth immunity win. I think we have a good system.

The four part ways, as we get confessionals.

Walter: Jess has a tendency to flip. I also just watched Charlie flip to our former side a few days ago. Kano, he can at anytime pull out a dagger and stab me in the back. It's a very rocky group, but due to circumstances, we HAVE to stick together.

Charlie and Jess are walking along the beach line, no Kano or Walter in sight.

Jess: I get where you're coming from, but it should be simple, as Walter said.

Charlie: We shouldn't be doing what Walter says, or what Peter says, we should be doing what WE want.

Jess: It'd be a lot easier if Kitana were still here...

Charlie: She was the one we had the BEST chance at beating, besides Kano. She didn't have as much to her game as the rest of us here.

Jess: Stupid rock draw.

Charlie: It's stupid, but that's life.

The conversation continues inaudibly, as Charlie's confession starts.

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