★Sleepy Boi.. - Karl

Start from the beginning

"Obviously I'm not gonna say me.. cause I think me and Sapnap would be able to great things together. I love chess, he likes chess.. you know" Quinn starts and I nod, pretending to give a fuck. "But I think Karl would be the worst option, you're not even in to guys Sapnap" she says and I click my tongue as I nod and look away.

Who's she to say I'm not in to guys! Fucking don't want her here.

"Wow, already been placed in the bottom three and no one else has said anything!" Austin says as I tell him to move her to the bottom three.

"What, why!?" She exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"Okay.. moving on, I think Quinn is the worst just cause she like assumed you're not in to guys and just made everything about her" Kaila says, her voice is obnoxious, I can't stand it.

"Okay, I'll go next!" Marianne starts and I nod. "Um, I'm gonna have to say Karl.. just cause he fell asleep which means he's not so interested" she says and I nod, biting my inner cheek.

Once all the girls have gone, Dream bursts out laughing.

"They really said Karl! Ladies, ladies, ladies.. this man is the biggest Karl simp!" Dream exclaims and I blush softly. "When he stayed with Karl, he forced them to watch horror movies every night just so they could cuddle with out him needing to ask!" Dream then exclaims and I hide behind my hands in embarrassment.

"Mmm.. sh.. to loud.." a sleepy Karl mumbles in his sleep, trying to move in his chair but he only curls up more.

"Hang on, lemme text his brother real quick" I say softly, reaching for my phone. I ask his brother is he's home with Karl and in response I get, yes. I then ask him if he can go and take Karl's headphones off so he can sleep better and not be woken by yelling.

Soon enough Karl's brother enters his room and slips the headphones off, placing them down on the desk before quietly waving to me and then giving the camera a thumbs up and walking out.

I send him a thank you message before returning back to the stream.

"So, Sapnap when you're ready. Just pick who's in your bottom three and we'll let them try to get out!" Austin exclaims and I nod with a hum.

I mean, they're all going eventually!

<An hour later>

We're down to me, Karl and Harley. We just got done with a ten minute break and so we're gonna start the date thing but I know I'm choosing Karl at the end of this.

As Austin explains what we're gonna do, a deep breath greets our ears and we find Karl stirring away, stretching out and groaning.

I smile as he opens his eyes a little, looking around his room before huffing from exhaustion. His eyes land in his set up and an embarrassed smile spreads across his face before he hides it behind his blanket and reaches for his headphones.

"Good morning Karl!" Austin says softly as he sees the headphones go on.

"Morning.. m'sorry.. for falling asleep" Karl says sleepily, his voice rough and low.

"It's all good man, you needed sleep and I'm fine with that" I say softly, smiling fondly at him and Karl seems to get more flustered.

"My heart can't take you're adorableness when I've only just woke" Karl jokes, holding his hand on his heart.

I blush too and I can just hear Dream oohing and teasing us. Eventually we get through the last round of the game, Harley chose host but now it's time to find out what a sleepy Karl chose.

"Karl, congratulations on making it to the end.. I think your our first contestant to sleep through the entire thing and win" Austin says and Karl laughs happily. "That's one up on Schlatt" he then says and Karl proudly smiles.

"You could have voted me off Sapnap" Karl says softly and I shake my head.

"It's always gonna be you Karl, you're the one I chose" I say softly and he blush.

"Sapnap.. it must be.. true love cause Karl chose love! He chose love everyone!" Austin exclaims and I break out in to a large smile.

"Everything I do leads back to you Sapnap" Karl says with his cutesy smile that makes me heart throb and flutter with love.

"So Karl.. could I accompany you on a date when you're next free?" I ask softly and he nods with a smile.

"You may Sapnap.. how about next weekend.. gives you time to fly out too" Karl says and I nod with a smile.

"Already booking the flight" I say and he laughs.

"Looks like I've gotta help lover man get ready for the big date of a life time.. you've been waiting for this moment in a very long time Sapnap, you can not mess up!" Dream exclaims and I blush softly.

"I won't.. I've got the perfect date planned out for Karl" I say softly and the show ends there.

We spend half an hour discussing the date that will come before I convince Karl to go off to bed and rest now. He says a loving goodbye to me and I return it with a soft smile, seeing him off before going to freak out with Dream.

I can't believe I'm gonna go on a real date with the Karl Jacobs.. my crush.. Karl Jacobs!


Word count - 1488

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this one shot and feel free to leave any requests in the comments. I hope you all have a wonderful day! <3

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