Chapter 8 - Tommy?!

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Tw: bullying, hitting

Tommy pov:

I was walking to my class but stopped by all my bullies. Their leader, Josh, pushed me into my boy's bathroom. "I heard you were adopted." Josh said. "You also yelled at Dave the other day." He continued. Dave gave me a hard kick. "That's what you get." He said. Josh grabbed me by the shirt. "Whoever adopted you made a big mistake. Sooner or later they will take you back." He laughed. "Because nobody wants a loud, annoying, brat like you." I tried to hold back my tears. "Is the little baby going to cry?" One of them said. Everyone started laughing. Josh dropped me on the ground. They started hitting and kicking me. "Stop, stop please." I muttered. "What was that?" Josh laughed. "You want us to stop? Well we aren't going to." And so, they continued punching me, kicking me, bullying me, everything.

Tw: over

Ranboo pov:

Something felt off today. I didn't see Tommy after our first classes. And he hasn't gotten to our 2nd class yet and the bell has already rung. "Hey. Where's Tommy?" I whispered to Tubbo. "You don't know either? I'm getting worried." He whispered back. "If we don't see him by lunch should we look for him?" He continued. I nodded. I sighed. Hopefully he is alright.

Ok it's lunch and we still haven't seen him. I'm starting to worry a lot. "Tubbo, we have to find him no time for lunch." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him out the lunchroom. We walked around the hallways, peeked into the classroom windows, we even looked outside but no sign of Tommy. "When if we don't find him?" I sighed trying to keep any tears from forming. "It will be ok Boss man, we need to keep looking, that's all." Tubbo tried to reassure me. We kept looking. "Look! It's his bag." Tubbo pointed out. It was his bag outside the boy's bathroom. "Maybe he is having explosive diarrhea?" Tubbo said, trying to lighten the mood. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. I opened the bathroom door. "Tommy are you having-" Tubbo said before he saw. Tommy was on the floor beat up and unconscious. "Tommy!" Tubbo cried out. We both ran over to him. He is bleeding. We should take him to the nurse!" Tubbo said. I was about to go pick him up to carry him to the nurse's office but then he opened his eyes and let out a groan. "Fuck." He groaned. "Tommy! What happened to you?" I said sitting down next to him. Tubbo helped him sit up.

Tw: passing out (is that triggering? idrk)

Tommy pov:

Tubbo helped me up and leaned me against the bathroom wall. "What happened?" He asked. Do I tell him the truth that I'm being bullied or make up a lie? Honestly I think they would both catch that I'm lying even if I tried. "Some bullies. Nothing too bad." I mumbled. "Bullies? Not too bad?!? Tommy are you on something?" Tubbo said. I sighed. "I'll be fine, just get me some bandaids'' I said, getting up from the floor. Ranboo put my arm around him and tubbo put my other around him too. They both started carrying me to the nurse. "Who did this?" Ranboo asked on the way there. "I don't remember." I tried to lie. "Tommy, we have known each other ever since you came to this school. I know you know who did this." Tubbo said. "It's not important right now. Just get me to the nurse." I sighed. My head hurts so much, I could feel everything spinning. Tubbo's and Ranboo's talking got quieter and everything's going dark.

A/N: Short chapter again and i left it on a hang cliffer because im mean 

Word count: 638

Adoption AU [sbi + ranboo] COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now