Chapter 3 - The Park

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Tommy pov:

The sun shined through the window, waking me up. We probably forgot to close the curtains last night. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked over to see if Ranboo was awake yet. He was sitting on his phone. "Morning." I said. He looked at me and then waved. "Sleep well?" He questioned. "Yeah, the bed is comfy." I looked on my phone for the date. It was a Saturday morning. Of course we were supposed to go to school yesterday but on adoption day so, we didn't go to school. "I'm going to get dressed and stuff." I said. I hopped off my bed and stretched a little. I went into the closet and grabbed my whhite and red shirt and some jeans. I walked into the hall to see if anyone was already taking their shower. I lightly knocked on the door. Nobody answered and the door was unlocked so I walked in. The bathroom was big. It had a lot of space to move around in, unlike the orphanage bathrooms. They had a lot of showers but eachshower was super small.

Once I finished my shower and got dressed I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I walked out the bathroom holding my dirty clothes. I walked back to me and Ranboo's room and put the dirty clothes in the basket. "The bathroom here is very nice." I told Ranboo. He grabbed a t-shirt and one of his hawwian shirts. He walked to the bathroom. I never understood how he showers since he can't be in water. I shrugged. If he found out a way then good for him. I heard footsteps walking downstairs. A few minutes later Ranboo walked back into the room. "I saw Phil walk downstairs. I guess he is about to make breakfast." Ranboo said, putting his clothes in the basket. I grabbed my phone and followed Ranboo outside our room. "Techno it's my turn, hurry up!!" WIlbur shouted banging on the bathroom door. "I'm almost done shut up!" I heard from the bathroom. I held in my laughs as we walked downstairs. "Good morning!" Phil smiled. He was making pancakes and bacon. "Morning." I said. I sat down at the counter next to Ranboo."Did you guys sleep well?" Phil asked. "Mhmm!" Me and Ranboo said at the same time. Phil laughed. "I'm glad you guys are liking this place so far."

Techno walked down the stairs. He wore a shirt that looked like something a prince would wear and some pants. "Can I practice outside after breakfast?" Techno asked Phil. "Sure Techno, be careful alright?" Phil answered. "I will I will." Practice? Practice what? Does he play a sport of some sort? "Is Wil still showering? Because I'm almost done with the pancake." Phil questioned. "Yeah but he will probably finish soon." Techno said. He sat down on the couch. I went on my phone while we waited for Wilbur to come out of the bathroom.

The Trio gc:

Tommy: morning!

Tubbo: hey big man

Ranboo: hello! :D

Tubbo: how are the people there?

Tommy: pretty nice i guess

Tommy: let me guess you want to come over because your parents are at work again?

Tubbo: maybe maybe not

Ranboo: idk we havent been here for long

Tommy: We found a way at the orphanage we can find a way here

Tommy: if he says no then we could just go to the nearest park or something

Tubbo: true true

Tubbo: my brother would let me go anywhere honestly so we would be good on my end to go

Tommy: I keep forgetting you have a brother

Tommy: Well its time for me and ranboo to eat breakfast see you tubs

Tubbo: bye big man!

I put my phone in my pocket as Wilbur walked down the stairs. Phil had already set the table and everyone was walking to a seat. "Dad, can I go see Niki and Eret today?" Wilbur asked. Phil took a bite of his bacon. "Yeah sure, just be back before dark." Phil answered. I grabbed the syrup and poured some on my pancakes. Techno finished his food and put the plate in the dishwasher. "Going to practice now, see ya." He said, grabbing his shoes and a long bag. Techno opened the door and walked away, closing it behind him. I got up and put my dish in the dishwasher too. I walked back over to my seat. "Hey uh Phil, can me and Ranboo go to the park to see our friend?" I asked. "Sure! I can drop you off at the park and drop Wilbur at Niki's too." Phil smiled. "Thanks" "no problem Tommy!"

Adoption AU [sbi + ranboo] COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now