Chapter 4 - School

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Ranboo pov:

When I woke up I was in my bed. I don't remember going to my room last night? I probably fell asleep on the couch and they brought me up here. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked over to see Tommy still asleep. "Tommy." I whispered. "Tommy! We have school, wake up." I continued.I got up and shook him a little. "What?" He said. "We have school today!" I said again. "Shit." He threw his covers off of him and grabbed some clothes to wear. He rushed to the bathroom. Who is going to tell him it is 7:00 am and he doesn't need to rush? Not me because this is funny. I went on my phone and checked to see if Tubbo said anything today. No notifications. Tommy came running back into our room ready for school but his hair was all messy. "Hurry up Ranboo we have no time!" He screamed at me. "Tommy it's 7:10am you don't need to rush." I laughed. "Fuck you bitch!" He looked at me. We both heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said. Phil came in. "Good morning! Get ready for school, I'll make breakfast!" Phil smiled. He left the room to go cook I'm guessing. "Guess I will get ready then." I said, grabbing some clothes.

After I got dressed for school I walked down stairs. Phil was making breakfast, of course. He was making eggs and toast. Tommy and Techno were talking on the couch. Seems like Tommy is settling in more. Which is good. "Morning!" I smiled. "Good morning Ranboo." Phil said, looking over at me then back at the egg he was making. I walked over to the couch where Tommy and Techno were and sat down next to Tommy. "I mean if you wanted I could teach you how to use a sword, you seem interested in it so I would think you would want to learn." Techno was saying. "It looks hard though." Tommy sighed. Technoblade shrugged, "It is not too hard once you get the hang of it. Plus you will have some armor on so you won't get hurt." I looked at Techno confused, he wasn't wearing any armor when we saw him yesterday. "Huh? You weren't wearing any armor Techno?" I questioned. Tommy looked surprised like he didn't notice I was there. "I have been training for a long time so I just don't really wear armor that much." He answered. "Ah." I responded. Wilbur walked down the stairs. "Do we have to go to school Dad? It's boring!" He grumbled. "Yes mate you have to go to school. Like I have to go to work." Phil responded.

Tommy and Techno talked mostly about swords and weapons while I listened to their conversation. Wilbur had brought his guitar downstairs to tune it. A few minutes later Phil told us it was time to eat. Everyone sat at the table and got their food. "Dad, can I go to Eret's after school? We are going to study for a test together. Oh, and Niki will be there too." Wilbur asked Phil. "You can go, but be home before dinner." Phil answered. "Yeah we will probably be over there for about an hour or two anyways." Wilbur replied, grabbing his toast from his plate.

After everyone finished their food we grabbed our bags for school and got into the car. Phil dropped Techno and Wilbur off first. "Bye! Have fun at school!" Phil waved as they walked out the car. Techno gave a small wave before walking over to his friends. "Bye dad." Wilbur smiled. Once Phil saw both of his kids walk over to their friends or walk inside he drove off to me and Tommy's school. "Alright! We're here, have a good day!" Phil smiled at the both of us. Tommy grabbed his bag and hopped out the car. "Bye." He said. "Bye Phil, have a good day at work!" I waved as I hopped out of the car with my bag. He let out a little laugh when I closed the door.

Tommy pov:

"Today feels like it's going to be a good day, right Tommy?" Ranboo said hurrying beside me. "Um, yeah I guess it does kinda feel like a good day." I answered. "Oh! There's Tubbo!" I pointed over to Tubbo. Tubbo saw us and ran over to us. "Hi guys!" He laughed. "Hi Tubbo!!" Ranboo smiled. I waved to him and smiled. "I heard the art teacher talking, we might be doing some art projects today!" Tubbo told us. "Fun." Ranboo replied. We heard the first bell ring. "We better get to our classes see you guys." I told Ranboo and Tubbo, walking off. We had a few classes we weren't all in together for and this is one of them. Tubbo and Ranboo got english class A first and I got english class B, sadly, but I don't think much of it. Once I walked into the class I found my seat and sat down. The second bell rang and the teacher walked in. "Good morning class, get out your english note books and let's begin the lesson." She said, getting out her notes for the lesson. I usually space out during class and just write the notes. The teacher started the lesson. A piece of paper was thrown at my head. I picked it up and unfolded it, which had nothing written on it. I looked behind me to see the kid and his friends silently laughing. These kids have always been bullies to me ever since they found out I was an orphan, but they threaten me to never say a word about it to any of the teachers or my friends. I know it's not the best idea to not tell anyone but I just don't want to know what would happen if I did. This is the only class I had with them besides lunch. I love the teacher and stuff but this class is like hell to me.

Ranboo pov:

Me and tubbo sat next to each other in class, in the back, where nobody would bother us. "Please get out your notebooks and let's begin." Our teacher said, grabbing a marker to write on the board the notes. "Can you hand me a pencil, Ranboo?" Tubbo whispered. "Forgot yours? Here." I whispered back, handing him one of my extra pencils. I wrote the notes down in my notebook. First class was always boring, everyone was tired and nothing really exciting happened. I bet it would be more exciting if Tommy was there, he always makes the classes we have together fun and it won't get boring. He doesn't tell us much about his classes where he is alone. Our next class we are all together though. "Ranboo write my notes down too for me, I'm too lazy" Tubbo whispered. I took his notebook and wrote down his notes as well as mine. I never mind writing Tubbo's notes down. It's more of a friendship thing, if someone else asked me to it would probably be a no.

After class I gave Tubbo back his notebook and we grabbed our bags. "Let's go find Tommy then get to class." Tubbo said. We went to look for Tommy, once we found him we walked to our next class together. 

A/N: sorry for not making a lot of chapters but i been hanging out with my friends a lot and trying to catch up with the dsmp lore! But hopefully more chapters will come out soon 

Word Count: 1273

Adoption AU [sbi + ranboo] COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now