Distance (Chapter 9)

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At lunch she ate outside by herself since Takemichi was doing something. She got to watch the birds gently soar along in the clear blue sky. A cool breeze blows her hair into her face. Today it was colder out than she had expected, little goosebumps formed on (Y/N)'s arms, though she enjoyed being out here. The sun shines down on her face, warming her up a bit.

She dreads the drive to the bridge and back. The icy air isn't too bad when shes standing normally, but she knows it'll be much colder when she's speeding down the street. She shivers a little at the thought. It was strange for it to be cold out, but at least it wasn't snowing.

(Y/N)'s last few classes seemed to be slower than the rest, especially the ones she didn't have Takemichi or Hinata around for. If only the time would pass quicker so that she would be able to go see Draken. And Mikey too, she likes seeing Mikey.

Only one more period to go and she's smirking down at Draken's new contact name, which had just popped up.

Tomato Juice Whore

Hey, (Y/N). Sorry I couldn't be there to pick you up this morning.

It's fine, but if you don't mind me asking, what are you up to? What did you have to do this morning?

I'm in class right now. I couldn't come and get you because I had to get ready for school. I woke up late.

That's it??

Yeah. Sorry.

(Y/N) sat her phone down, frowning at it. Why has Mikey made it seem like he has something really important to do? Was Draken lying or had Mikey been over exaggerating? Could have been either one. (Y/N) decided that it didn't matter. Draken is okay and she'll be seeing him later. That's all that matters to her.

Her phone buzzes once again.

Tomato Juice Whore

I know you are probably in class right now but are you going to be at the lake?

Yeah, are you?


That definitely made her mood a little brighter. He would probably be the one picking her up then since he's heading over there already, right? (Y/N) decides that makes perfect sense.

Once school finally lets out (Y/N) rushes outside. Expecting to see Draken, she's a little disappointed to find Mitsuya waiting for her. People stare at (Y/N) yet again as she runs over to him. This time, she even hears a few murmurs.

"I'm going to assume you're here for me." Says (Y/N). She smiles a little at Mitsuya. It's strange how comforting he is to be around. Just looking at him seems to slow your heart-rate.

"Yep, and I'm going to assume you want to get where we're going as soon as possible, probably to see Draken and Mikey." Mitsuya says as he smiles back at her. "And you might want this." He hands her his jacket. (Y/N) gazes in awe at it for a second before slipping it on and thanking him.

She hurries to sit down comfortably so that they can leave. Mitsuya speeds away from the school. (Y/N) is extremely thankful for the jacket and even more thankful that he's taller than she is. She shrinks down behind him, using him as a shield from the rushing wind. Usually the breeze had felt nice, but today was a different story. She huddled down under the jacket, wishing Toman rode in cars instead of on motorcycles. She could only hope it wouldn't get this cold again for awhile.

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