Chapter 2

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I missed the three...
"AHHH nigga that's why u fuckin missed too busy focused on something else" she said
"Stfu bruh but aye check this out
"Nah sahn I'm trying to win"
I walked over and turned the game off
"Niggaaa!!! Why u do that?!"
"Because look there a U-Haul outside you know what that mean" I said with a smirk on my face
"Move! I wanna see what neighbors we got!" She yelled
"Let's go check it out"

Lona POV
After driving for which seemed like forever we got to this house it looks pretty decent beings that our house in Cali was smaller so that's a good thing but its not Cali so I refuse to admit I like it. 
"so what do you think?!" My mom yelled with the biggest smile on her face. The reason why we left Cali is because of my moms new job at the hospital her exact words were "were in it for the big money" but we've always been that family struggling.
"Its fine" I said crossing my hands over my chest and looking back out the window
My mom sighs
"Look lona ik u don't like it here..."
"Then why u come here,u know I hate it here already u don't care bout how I felt or feel bout it" with tears welling up in my eyes. I got out the car and slammed the door and just ran,ran to where my feet would take me.....

We stepped outside and saw a girl crying running pass I decided to see what's up since she new and I'm not a rude person. I ran after her
"Jae where u going?!" Keila shouted
"I'll be back!!"
Man this girl fast what is she a track star or something. I lost her I looked around everywhere till I saw her sitting at the court on the bleachers with her head down
"Aye!Aye you!" I yelled to her
She didn't respond I walked towards her and tapped her shoulder
"don't touch me!" She shouted and turned her head
"Aye look ma cool it,I just wanted to see what was wrong"
"Well I don't need your help nor want it" she said with the biggest attitude
"Fine,fine I won't bother, can I at least see your face and your name"
She turned around slowly and the world instantly stopped she was beautiful, mind blowing , drop dead gorgeous I was speechless even with her eyes red as fire she still looked beautiful
"My names lona,can u go now id really like to be alone"
"Sure ma I'll let u have your moment"
And with that I walked away with the image of a beautiful girl and unknown story....

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