Loud thuds came from upstairs, and the table quieted down. She looked up and her mouth fell open. James was cleanly showered, his wet hair tucked neatly behind his ears. And for the first time since knowing him, he was dressed in something other than a suit.

Grey sweatpants and a white shirt made him look casual, and when he entered the dining room, he walked with such dominance and his eyes never met anyone's. It was only when he sat, that everyone started speaking again.

He sat infront of Calypso, his green eyes brighter than ever. She smiled at him, and he raised a brow at her. Everyone started eating, and in the moment of readjusting her feet, she nudged James'.

His eyes, focused on Ken as he spoke, snapped to hers. And she blushed, whispered a sorry, and stared down at her plate. Angela, who was sitting infront of a blonde, introduced to Calypso as Katerina was eating slowly. She was a slow eater, and a shy one too. So, she rarely spoke and rarely looked up from her plate. But, for the first time, Angela was engaged in conversation with the blonde, laughing and joking with everyone around her.

As Calypso watched her, she felt a nudge against her foot. She looked at James, raised a perfectly sculpted brow at him. He smirked at her, slowly chewing on a piece of steak. His arms looked larger than usual in his shirt, and when her eyes stared at them, James chuckled deeply.

Almost like he was shushing, the table quieted. Adam stood then, clinking his wine glass gently with his knife.

He cleared his throat, "So, as we all know, its James' birthday today and-" Calypso paled, and she let a gasp pass from her lips and James let a huff of air out from his nose, his lips turning up into a smile.

"We're all here for him, yeah? And I want us all to remember, that if he wasn't here with us, we wouldn't be who we are today. He helped most of us achieve our greatest goals, and in turn, we've stopped him from killing himself multiple times,"

The table broke into giggles, and James shook his head at Adam, "James and I have been friends for many, many years. Not necessarily painful years, but definitely not easy. He's my best mate, and I love him dearly, so, happy thirthy-fifth birthday, you old fuck,"

The table clapped, and James stood and hugged James, his grin wide. James then took his wine glass and took a sip from it, "Thank you, Adam. Uh, I'd like to thank you all for being here with me, although I haven't been the easiest to deal with,"

"Most of you helped me achieve what I have today, and I couldn't thank you enough,"

He sat then, and Adam raised his glass, followed by everyone, except Calypso. "To James!" Everyone clinked their glasses together in a toast, and Calypso stared at James, her green eyes set ablaze at the man.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered-yelled at him from across the table, "It's of no importance, Calypso," She shook her head, "Its very important to me, James. You-" He cut her off, looking at her. "Don't argue with me, it won't end well for you," His tone made her shut up quickly, and she sighed.

The rest of the dinner was spent with Calypso avoiding James' eyes, and him staring at her till she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

Everyone was sat outside once they finished dinner, and as Calypso and Avery washed the dishes, they spoke about their plans for tomorrow, they decided they'd go for breakfast at the local restaurant tomorrow morning.

And as Calypso spoke to her, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned around, frowning. Lucas, the man she met at the bar when she was performing was stood, leaned up against the doorframe of the kitchen.

Once they made eye contact, he smiled, "Hello, you two," Avery turned around, and once she went back to drying off a plate, she rolled her eyes. The girls didn't say anything, Calypso merely grinning at him.

"Didn't see you at dinner," She said, and he stepped closer, "Yeah, wasn't feeling too good so I slept through it," She nodded, scrubbing a glass clean. He then stood next to Avery, and she looked at Calypso.

"I'll dry these off later, yeah?" She gripped her bicep, "I'll help you with washing then," Calypso frowned, shaking her head, "I'll just finish up, you can go wait for me outside,"

Avery's eyes widened, and she shook her head, "Cal, come on," Calypso frowned, "Love, let me-"

"Calypso!" She spun around, and Adam smiled once he entered the kitchen, "James needs you outside, I'll finish the dishes with Avery," She looked at her friend, Avery's lips pulling into a smile and she nodded, telling her she was okay.

So, Calypso made her way to the back door. Behind her, Lucas followed. James was talking to Ken and when his eyes landed on Calypso and Lucas, his blood rand in his ears. Calypso smiled at him as she walked towards him, and James didn't even notice, because his eyes were burning holes into Lucas.

"Hey, what ya need?"

She frowned up at him, and poked his chest, "Hello, mister angry pants, what did you need?" James then looked down at her, and the same fear from the day before melted into her throat, making her choke up as she looked up at him.

James watched the girls eyes glisten over, and for the first time in a very long time, he willed the blood down from his ears, back into his veins.

He smiled at her, and it felt strange, "Need you to come with me," She swallowed thickly, "Why?" James took her hand, and she felt his scorching hand warming up hers as he held it. He pulled her behind him, into the house and the spacious living room, away from all ears.

"I need you to sleep with me," The girl frowned, her lips pulling into a wide smile, James rolled his eyes, "I meant in my bed, with me, not sex," She laughed softly, and when she saw the urgency in his face, she asked, "Why?" James shook his head, "Don't ask. And I'll personally show Avery and Angela to their rooms. I-" The girl took his face in her hands, and shushed him, "James, calm down and talk to me, yeah?" James licked his lips, "I can't leave you alone with Lucas, baby," She frowned, "Why not?"

"He wants you, and he'll do whatever he can to get you, so I need to be with you,"

Calypso deadpanned, "He doesn't want me, James," James rolled his eyes, "God, you love arguing with me, don't you?" Calypso tsked, "Not just you," She searched his face, and sighed, "Fine, Jesus. I'll sleep with you," James smiled, and his butterfly giggled.

The rest of the night was spent playing games, drinking and chattering. James did as he said, showed the blondes to their bedrooms and made them lock the door once they got in, and dragged Calypso to his bedroom. The girl was layed on his bed now, her phone in hand as she aimlessly scrolled through apps. James sat at his desk, his fingers quickly moving over the keypad of his laptop. His eyebrows were pinched together in concentration, and his left foot created soft thuds as he focused.


"Mhm," He hummed, and Calypso smiled at him. "We're going for breakfast tomorrow morning," James hummed again. But then he turned in his chair, "We're going to an auction tomorrow,"

"You and the guys?"

James hummed again as he continued his typing. The room was silent again, both of them focused on the screen infront of them.

It didn't take long for Calypso to fall asleep, phone till in hand. James took it from her gently, plugged it into the charger and as gently as the man could, he winged the covers from under his angel. Pulling the shirt from his head, he climbed into the bed.

Calypso turned in her sleep, and her front connected with James side and he smiled at her. She sighed softly, and James pulled her into him.

Her tiny hands winged themselves under his large body and before she could fully fall asleep, she peered at the moon from the open window, and bid him a soft goodnight.

Her tiny voice, soft and delicate spoke up then, "Night, baby," James hummed deeply, the vibrations making Calypso smile.

"Goodnight, baby,"

Calypso and the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now