
199 3 7


Antique downhill

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 31 Forward this blessing mantra, you can realize the strongest desire in the near future

    Qiu Guokai was very sad, but at this moment he didn't dare to question the business ability of Taicangzong. After all, Wuyang Wuyang was sitting here for all his parents, and his forehead was knocked out by his father's crutches.

    Tuanyiyi gave him a membership card while feeling a lot of knowledge, and said to Weixi: "Master, I used to think that people will be reborn after death, but I didn't expect to live in their own home."

    Weixi didn't understand this either. However, Shuo Zong frowned and said that the unity righteousness is right. The current situation of the Qiu family in the same house for several generations is indeed very abnormal.

    Just listened to Qiu Guokai’s dad snorting coldly: "How can reincarnation be so simple? The population has exploded in recent years and the aging population has been severely aging. Do you know how much the birth rate has dropped? Do you think things are going well? , Now even the policy has changed. In the past, it was necessary to reincarnate after the death of

    many evildoers . Now it is necessary to get a card without a criminal certificate. What a lazy government!" Qiu Mu, who was recording information with Qiu Guokai, also sighed: Ah, a few acquaintances I know who are lucky enough to become cats and dogs as pets, but those who are unlucky are stuck for more than ten years. They are not reconciled to being raised by others and put them into protected wild animals. Who knows? I came back a few months later, saying that he was caught by the locals and sold to the big boss when he was born. The brothers and sisters of the brood were all stewed as tonics. I heard that they suffered a lot of crimes before they died. It's cleaned up. They took this matter to quarrel with the relevant units, but they didn't care about it. If the boss came down, he would have to vote for six fetuses, so they fooled them."

    "There are a lot of queues, and the accommodation situation is not very good. Therefore, in recent years, we have always relied on holidays to encourage good fetuses to travel to reduce the pressure on the population. Now even Halloween is a legal holiday. The land is not enough, we are in the following The yin houses depend on population distribution and are not large enough to live, so they often come back for vacation. Generally speaking, as long as they don’t violate the law and discipline and affect the world, they will not be reported. So we used to be very quiet, at most when there is no one at home. When I went out to eat the incense offered by Guokai and watch TV, if it weren’t for discovering...Xuanxuan’s thing that day, he would have been fooled by his wife so easily, and the family wouldn’t be like this."

    Qiu's mother said Here, I couldn’t help sighing, and then explained: “As for when we will reincarnate, I think we can wait. There are only Guokai, his wife and grandfather, because they lined up early, they were in line seven or eight years ago, but They refused to go, so they extended the quota to the people behind."

    Tuanyiyi was full of black lines. He always felt that the working mode of the underworld was different from what he had imagined. However, after thinking about it carefully, he could understand it. After all, reform and opening up.

    But he felt strange again: "It's so difficult to reincarnate, why don't you vote when you are in the queue?"

    Another old man wearing a Chinese tunic in the room had a bad expression on his face, and the old lady in a cheongsam next to him touched it kindly. The head of another little old man next to him: "It's not that I can't worry about the little friend I gave birth to. He is not in the line. How can I go with his dad without worry."

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