Your cold bf gets jealous

Start from the beginning

He sighs and pushes the files towards me, "Do it again. Sort it in alphabetical order." I frown and look at him but he keeps his eyes on the file that he's working with.

I sigh and take the files off the table and sit on the couch. What is this? He's acting childish but the annoying childish one.

After another hour of rummaging through the files, it's finally done. I sigh happily and stand to face him.

"I finished-" "Actually, sort it in order of the department." He says and I groan.

"Jungkook. You're pissing me off. I know for sure that there's something wrong. What is it?" I walk towards his table.

"What's bothering you to act like this? Are you fine? Are you angry with me?" I walk to stand beside him. I know his tendency to keep me by my side when something's bothering him.

I place my hand on his shoulder, "You can tell me anything you know?" I try to sound as soft as I can.

He sighs and pushes my hand away. "Nothing's bothering me. Just do the work." He says and types on his computer.

"I'm sorry if you're angry because I ate my lunch without you." I fiddle with my fingers. "Are you hungry? If you are I can eat again with you."

"Aren't you full after eating so happily with someone that isn't me?" He stands from his seat and faces me.

I stumble bsckwards at his sudden action. "What do you mean happily?"

He sighs at my question, "Yeah. Happily. You were eating with Jimin while laughing and talking."

My jaw drops in disbelief. He continues to speak, "let's not talk about this. You're disturbing my work." He rubs his temple as he takes a seat on his chair.

"We're going home early today. Come to the parking lot at around 4 pm." He continues his work in the computer.

"I'm really speechless at your behaviour. FYI, Jimin has a wife." I say folding my arms. "I hope you're not implying that I'm cheating on you or something."

He groans, "I know. But no one cares if someone's married or anything as long--" "save it, Jungkook. I don't wanna listen to it. It's upto you whether to trust me or not." I cut him off and walk out of his office.

Does he think that I like Jimin? How did he even see me with him? Oh, the security cameras. Is he jealous? Pfft. I don't think so.

I continue with my works in my office. During my break I talk with Jimin again. I told him about Jungkook's behaviour.

Jimin laughs, "He's jealous. Talk to him." I inquire about how he even gave me meaningless works.

Jimin shakes his head in disbelief. "He's afraid that you'll leave him. He wants to admit it but his ego is getting in the way. Try to talk to him." He pats my shoulder. "Thank you, Jimin."

I know that Jungkook had issues with cheating girlfriends in the past but I try to assure him time and again that I won't be like that.

Why would I even cheat when he's a full fedge god and I'm nothing near a goddess or whatever? I should be the insecure one in this relation.

He can get any woman he wants so shouldn't I be the one who's afraid that he'll leave me?

👼🏻Jungkook's POV

I glance at the clock and it's time to head home. I recall my conversation with y/n. Why did I even say that to her?

I ruffle my hair and take my coat and head out of the office. Checking for my car keys in the counter, my eyes land on Jimin.

He's there beside the elevator waiting for the elevator door to open. I grab my keys and stand beside him.

I really wanna beat him for eating lunch with y/n but it might be childish. He seems to sense my presence beside him and greets me.

I nod and step into the elevator with him beside me. I press the button to the basement.

"Jungkook. This is not my place to speak but talk with y/n. You're just assuming things and shutting her out." He speaks breaking the silence. I lower my head. "Will she listen?"

He chuckles, "I knew it. You're afraid that she'll leave you? I used to be like that too. I'd it's possible, do this today. Take some pastries from any shop or any snacks and have a movie night with her today. It's Sunday tomorrow so you don't have work. How does that sound?"

I look at him, not expecting him to say those words. "She suggested that I should do this with my wife." My eyes widen at his words.

"Yeah. She was giving me suggestions on how to make her happy. I'm giving you that advice."

👼🏻Your POV

Stepping in the parking lot, I wait beside his car for him to show up. Finally after some minutes, the elevator's door opens and Jungkook steps out with Jimin beside him.

Woah, Jimin's still in one piece. Jungkook didn't do anything so that means he wasn't jealous?

Jimin waves at me and walks to his car. Jungkook walks to my side and open the door for me.

Surprised at his action, I stare at him. "Just step inside, will you?" I nod and step inside as he closes the door for me.

"Y/n." He calls out as soon as he steps inside the car, sitting on the driver's seat. "Yes?" I raise my brow at him.

He pokes his tongue inside his cheek, "You see I'm really sorry for my actions. I didn't mean to make you upset or anything."

I understand him actually. I want to kill those bit*beep beep* who made him feel like he wasn't enough for anyone.

I smile at his words, "it's okay. But why were you giving me those meaningless works? I was really pissed off."

He laughs nervously. Well, he rarely laughs so I've already forgave him though. "I wanted to keep you by my side. Even if it meant for giving you those works."

He scratches the back of his neck. My heart flitters at his reason and I peck his lips, taking him by surprise. "That's for being cute."

He scoffs and defines himself as arrogant and cold while starting the engine. "So how does a movie night sound?" He says, his eyes still on the road ahead of us.

"Did Jimin tell you that?" I ask in disbelief. He nods his head with a smile lingering on his lips.

I chuckle, "I really want you to get jealous everyday." I yell excitedly. He glares at me,

"I. Was. Not. Jealous." He speaks with his eyes still on the road.

"Yeah. Your actions show otherwise." He remains silent on that. I gasp when I remember something, "you cursed at me too. You never did that. Ever. Before." I pout trying to look sad.

He stops the car on the side of the road. "Why are you stopping? Did I say something wro--" he cuts me off by placing his hands on either side of my cheeks and pulling me to him.

Before I know it, his lips are on my lips. He kisses me slowly and gently. While I'm surprised at his actions.

He breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. "I'm sorry. When you came inside, I had ended my call with a business partner. It was a woman and she's trying to seduce me while I kept on denying. But she cut off the phone saying that our deal was on the line. And I was angry because she thinks that I'll be that easy to get and when I have you. So I was checking in the files of the project when you entered. I'm sorry I lashed out on you."

He removes his hands and starts driving. I smile mischievously at him, "If lashing your anger at me pays me a kiss later then, I won't mind it. I don't mind at all." He chuckles at my remark.

"I'm still thinking that you were JEALOUS!"

The end
Damn this really is too cliche ಠ︵ಠ
But sure, hope you enjoyed

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