Sappy, Awkward Stuff

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Bugs was watching Daffy sleep. He didn't know why. It had been almost an hour, and that's all Bugs has been doing.

Suddenly, Daffy jumped up from his sleep. "DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME!" He blinked, and then looked around. "Uhh... the dream wasn't about you."

Bugs stared at Daffy with a deadpan. "What are we?"


"What is our relationship right now?"

"I don't know. It's not my choice."

"It's not mine."

Daffy frowned and lied back down.

"You're going to sleep again?"

"No. My head hurts."

"That's because you got up too fast."

"It's not my fault. It's yours."


"You're the one who was staring at me in my sleep!"

"First of all, were you even sleeping!? And second of all, what does that have to do with a nightmare!?"

"You were actually staring at me in my sleep!? I was just trying to make false accusations...!" Daffy thought for a bit. "How did we go from 'don't let them take me' to stalker-ish habits?"

"It didn't even escalate! It de-escalated."

"That sounds like something I would say."


"You keep yelling. I do most of the yelling. You usually just do the opposite."

Bugs just stared at him, annoyed.

"Like that."

"You didn't answer my question."

"The one about sleep or the one about the nightmare?"

"The one about our relationship!"

"I did answer. I said I don't know."

"Fine. I'll answer for you, since you won't."

"Okay then. You can go ahead, because I don't really care." Daffy lied down and snuggled into the blankets. Daffy really did care. He just didn't know how to express these types of feelings very well, let alone to his sort-of-best-friend.

Bugs got in the bed where Daffy, who was facing the wall, couldn't see him or feel him. Daffy turned around. He wasn't surprised to see Bugs, though. "Aren't you going to answer?"



"Now." Bugs kissed Daffy on the forehead.

Daffy was flustered, really. But he had other things on his mind and gasped. "Tina broke the promise!"

"What promise?"

"She promised not to tell anybody about my crush on you! But then she told Porky the next day!"

"If she didn't do that, then the past couple of days wouldn't have happened."

"You're saying she would have stopped time?"

"No, you maroon. We wouldn't be in whatever this is."

Daffy started to laugh. He laughed really hard. He would have fallen out of the bed if Bugs wasn't in it.

"What's so funny?"

Daffy tried to calm himself down but failed. He ended up laughing so hard that his stomach started to hurt. "HAHAHAHA! HAAAAHAHAHA!"

"What are you laughing at?"

Daffy started to cough while laughing. "AHAHAHA-cough-HAHAHAHAHA"

"What is wrong with you...?"

Daffy finally calmed down. When he stopped laughing, he grabbed his beak and kept it closed with his hand, a smile on his beak.

"What happened? What was so funny?"

Daffy let go of his beak. "I don't know. You insult me, and the first thing I do is laugh uncontrollably. That's pretty weird."

"Yeah, it is. Who does that?"

"Apparently, me." Daffy studied Bugs's face. He didn't look angry, or annoyed, or confused. He just looked like he was having fun. "I..."

Bugs looked at Daffy when he heard him talk. He always did.

"I, um..." Daffy wanted to just speak his mind. 'I love you.' But he couldn't. He rarely said this to Tina, and it took him a long time to do so. It wasn't that he didn't love her, he did, but it was just hard for him to say. And if it took him so long to tell Tina, why is he rushing to tell Bugs, when Daffy has been so awkward around him for the past couple of days? Is it because he is more sure of his feelings? "I don't want... this to end. Whatever it is."

"I don't either." Bugs tried to sound like they did in the movies. It didn't work.

"I've never heard you laugh."


"The laugh attack from earlier reminded me that I've never heard you laugh."

"I have laughed so many times..."

"Are you sure? I've never seen you crack up over anything you find funny. In fact, what do you find funny?"

Bugs thought for a bit. What did he find funny? "You." Bugs took Daffy's face and brought him into a kiss. After it ended, Daffy had a lot to say.

"Are you trying to make it seem like it's a movie?"

"Yeah. Is that a bad thing?"

"No." Daffy kissed Bugs again.

Daffy was blushing and his heart was beating very quickly. "Why do you love me?"

"You..." Bugs knew he already answered this question, but he felt like it wasn't enough of a answer. "Daffy, you're a mean spirited, self absorbed, disturbed little weirdo."

Daffy frowned. "Isn't this what you told me on the cruise?"

Bugs ignored him. "But for whatever reason..." What did he say? Did he say best friend, or boyfriend? What should he do? "But for whatever reason, you're the person I'd rather spend my time with."

Daffy nervously smiled, parts of his beak still red. "You're bad at this."

Bugs sighed. "I know."

Dreams (Baffy, BugsxDaffy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें