Screwy Duck

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Author's note: This chapter is in Bugs's point of view, and the first part is at the same time as Daffy's first part in his chapter. 

Daffy is staring at me.

He's been doing it for the past couple of minutes, and it's making me uncomfortable. He looks angry at me, like I did something wrong.  But it seems like he isn't,looking at me at all, and he's just thinking. 

Before, I thought I didn't care what Daffy said, but now it seems like I do. If he doesn't like me that way, just tell me. 

"I'm going home, Daffy." I pay the bill and walk out the door. 

Why did I just do that? I thought about going back inside to get Daffy when I got a call.


"Hey Bugs. Did you tell him?"

"Yeah, but I think it might have been a bad idea."


"When I told Daffy, he didn't really say anything. He just stared at me. He looked kinda angry."

"Maybe he just needs some time to think about it."

"Yeah, maybe your right." I get in the car. "I'll talk you you later."

"Bye." She hung up.

Maybe Daffy wants to get a ride home... It looks like it's going to rain.

I try calling him, but it goes straight to voice mail.

I guess he doesn't want a ride.


Its been hours since I left Pizzaribba. Where is Daffy? Its pouring outside, and he didn't have a car to get home, but Pizzaribba is walking distance. I open the door to try and find him.

A shaking lump of black feathers is on the ground with a orange beak and two flippers.

In other words, Daffy is shivering and sleeping on the steps.

I sigh and carry him in my arms to his room. I flop him on the bed and put a blanket over him. Then I close the door, letting Daffy sleep in peace.


10:35 AM

Does Daffy like me? If he does, why didn't he say anything yesterday?

10:36 AM

Maybe Tina was right, and Daffy is just still thinking about it.

10:37 AM

He's a screwy duck that's messing with my mind.

10:38 AM

All I can think about is Daffy. I hate it.

10:39 AM

When did I become this obsessive? 

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