I've fallen and I can't get up!

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Bugs has been staring at the ceiling for an hour now. He hasn't moved or gotten out of bed. He's in disbelief. Bugs woke up thinking, "I think I have a crush on Daffy." It came out of nowhere, and Bugs wasn't sure how to react to his own thoughts. He didn't even know why he had a crush on him.

Bugs finally decided to get out of bed. He got himself together and made some coffee. He needed somebody to talk to about the situation, and since Daffy wouldn't be awake until around 4pm, he knew he had plenty of time to think things through.

Daffy was having another dream. He was soaked in sweat and silently crying his eyes out in his sleep. Daffy knew he was dreaming. He just didn't know how to stop. Daffy was waiting for his nightmare to end, but it didn't. In the dream, a "memory" appears. Or at least thats how Daffy sees it. It shows him hugging Bugs as if he was seeing him for the last time, but Daffy had no memory of the moment. Then his dream ends. Daffy wakes up, soaking wet and very worried. Why was this happening to him? He only got reoccurring dreams when something was important or wrong. Daffy realized that the dreams are very important,  and are probably trying to say something. He didn't know how, but Daffy had a feeling.

Bugs decided to call Porky, to see if he could give him any advice. Usually it would be Porky going to Bugs, but he needed at least someone to share his thoughts with. As the phone rang, Bugs wondered if Daffy had feelings for him too. Daffy did say he loved him in his sleep. Then again, people's dreams are weird. "H-hello?"

"Hey Porky."

"Oh, h-hi, Bugs."

"I need to talk to you about something really important to me."

"W-what is it B-Bugs?"

"I-" Daffy started to walk down the stairs. "I'll tell you at Pizzaribba. I have to go." Bugs hung up. "Are we going to Pizzaribba?" Daffy was starving. "I'm going with Porky." Bugs really didn't want Daffy to come with him. 

"Porky's still a bummer."

"So, is that a no?"

"Yeah. I've got a date with Tina today anyway."



"So w-what did you want to talk to me about, Bugs?" Porky was devouring his pepperoni pizza and it completely disgusted Bugs. "Now, before I tell you, you have to promise to not tell anyone."


"I... think I fell for Daffy."

"What do you m-mean?"

"I think I have a crush on him."

"W-well I think you should tell him."

"But how? Daffy's already dating Tina, and they're a great couple."

"You should still tell him to get it off your chest."

"I'm still going to wait a week or two... To see what happens."

"How long have you had a crush on him?"

"I realized this morning."

"Well, the sooner you tell him, the less heartbroken you'll be. I had to learn that the hard way."

"Thanks Porky. I'm gonna go."

"No problem."

Bugs walks out of the restaurant and thinks about his conversation. He wonders if he should just tell Daffy today. But, then again, Daffy has a date and Bugs doesn't want him to be distracted. This debate went on in his head until he got home. Bugs decided to tell Daffy the next day. It would give Bugs a chance to think things through.

Dreams (Baffy, BugsxDaffy)Where stories live. Discover now