She hates me now

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Author's note: This chapter takes place about two weeks earlier, the same day Daffy gets his first dream.

Bugs and Lola were on a fancy dinner date to celebrate their 2 year anniversary. They already got their food, and the rabbits were both finishing up their meal when Lola asks a very random question. 

"What's your sexuality?"

"What?" Why was Lola asking this question, on their anniversary of all days?

"I said, what's your sexuality?" Lola leaned forward in her chair. Her lips said curiosity, but her eyes had hatred.


"I just want to know..."

"Uh, okay." Bugs had no idea why she was asking this question, but he decided to answer anyway. "I'm bisexual."

"WHAT!?" Lola slammed her hands down on the table. She could not believe what she was hearing. "So you like guys too?"

"Yeah. I told you the day we first met."

"Guess what? We're done!" Lola sat back down and stared at Bugs.

Bugs smiled. "That's fine with me." He didn't need to be with someone who didn't love him because of who he loved. The gray rabbit got up from his seat and walked out, leaving Lola with the bill.


When Bugs walked into the house, Daffy saw him and walked over. 

"How was your date with Lola?"

"She decided to break up with me after finding out that I was bisexual."

"Oh, uh-"

"Its fine. I didn'tneed to be with her if she was going to treat me the way she did. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I've had a long night."

As Bugs walked up the stairs,  Daffy couldn't help but feel something stirring inside him with this new information. 


Daffy just woke up from a strange dream. He didn't remember most of it, but he distinctly remember telling Bugs he loved him. It should be fine, though. 


Author's note: I know this was a short chapter,  but I felt like I needed to explain where Lola was.

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