Me and my dream

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I wish someday everyone know who am i,

I wish one day they know who am i,

They think i'm a statue

But one day it'll be changed.

I will make it change one day,

But I don't know when that day is.

Everyone have their own time,

It will not come towards you. 

You should make it out yourself, 

And I am busy making out mine.

They think that my dreams are fake ,

But one day it will come true.

When my dreams will come true,

Everyone will know who I am.

They think that i'am a silly girl,

And my life is just a rollercoaster. 

Yeah, my life is a rollercoaster, 

But it is safe and made by me.

They think i'm a normal girl,

But why can't they know i am not,

Because i am special in my own way, 

And I am the queen of my own world.

You are now in the world of a silly teenager,

Who lives in her own world,    just like you.................

Written By MeWhere stories live. Discover now