There were far too many people to place stocking along the fireplace- that would surely end with a fire- so Hope lined the staircase with them. Each of them filled to the brim with stuff, because Sirius really should not have allowed the girl access to the Black Family vault. 

But she made sure to only use the money for good things for Christmas. And some other things she's not going to discuss, because she really wanted that fancy quill set. 

Hope heard the stairs creaking behind her and looked up to see her mother walking down the stairs.

"What's all this?" Marry smiled very brightly when she got down to the bottom of the stairs. "Did you spend all night working on this darling?"

"Yeah, Lottie helped me out," Hope smiled. "Merry Christmas mum."

"Merry Christmas dear," Marry pulled her daughter in for a hug and kiss her cheek. "Oh, this is so wonderful dear. I say Molly and I were quite worried about having so many of you children in the house all at once. But this just makes it feel so special. I could... I could..."

"Mum, are you crying?" Hope asked as she pulled away to see her mother fanning her face as to try and prevent some tears from spilling out.

"I'm fine," Marry waved it off. "I'm just- oh this is so nice of you to do Hope."

"Well if everyone gives me this reaction I might have to do this again," Hope smirked, but then she saw some color drain from her mother's face, and she put her hand over her mouth. "Seriously mum, are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Marry took some deep breaths. "Just the food from last night didn't sit well with me."

"Well, you did eat Hagrid's rock cakes he sent it," Hope pointed out. "Mum there is a reason us kids were going to use those as target practice."

"Oh hush," Marry laughed a bit as she hit Hope's arm. "I'll be fine, I just need some water."

"Well, Lottie decorated the kitchen as well, so go check that out. I need to go upstairs and change," Hope said.

When she went upstairs to her room, she saw Lottie was still passed out and happily dreaming about something. Hope didn't want to wake her yet, it was only half past five in the morning, she deserved some sleep. 

So instead, she took a quick shower and changed into her festive pajamas her mother always got each year. Marry got them for everyone this year. Hope knew her mother would love the Christmas decorations most out of anyone due to the fact that Christmas was Marry's favorite holiday. Every year she would go to the most extreme lengths to decorate their home. One year a Ministry worker even had to come to their house because Marry had gone a little too far on the decorations. 

Once everyone was up, they were equally as shocked and amazed by all the fun decorations and the massive stack of presents waiting for them. They hadn't cried like Marry had done, but they were never the less thrilled with everything. 

"I think I smoked too much," Harry Stylinson had rubbed his eyes when he walked down the stairs. "Did the house change overnight or am I hallucinating again?"

"No, it changed," Ashton told him. "But you probably are hallucinating."

"Yeah, Christmass weed is great," Harry grinned. 

Molly had made quite a big breakfast for everyone, probably because all her children were here. Well, not all her children. Percy had sent back the present Molly had sent him the night before. Not even opening it. When Luke and Calum saw that owl arriving, they quickly took the present and tossed it out the window, knowing it would only make Molly cry to know Percy could not even budge to accept a present from his own mother. It was best if she simply did not know so that it did not ruin her day.

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