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It was a good while before any of them got out of the Chamber of Secrets. Meaning, the sun was starting to shine upon them as Fawkes flew them out of there. He was a pretty strong phoenix, carrying four children and one delusional man. 

Harry had a lot to explain to his friends as they missed all the actions. They instead had to contemplate accidentally throwing a large boulder at Lockhart, pretending to act sad if they left him there. But, they decided against that one. They would feel too guilty, even if it would be the best thing for society.

Back to Harry though, he got to meet a younger version of Voldemort, finding out his true birth name was Tom Riddle. He had to fight the basilisk, all while trying to make sure Ginny stayed alive. He went with the blind it strategy, finding that very useful from an assist from Fawkes, then killed it with the Sword of Gryffindor. Now that was a handy tool. Almost died, stabbed Tom's diary making him go away, then Ginny woke up, then Fawkes saved him one more time with his tears.

Yeah, Hope and Ron were not disappointed they missed any of that. 

Once they got out of there, they immediately send a letter to the Minister of Magic, informing him on all that had happened that night. 

Soon though, Dumbledore was granted access back to the school. His position as Headmaster being reinstated. And his first order of business, was talking to the three students who risked their lives to save the school once more.

"You three realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules," Dumbledore was sat in his chair behind his desk, the three students having their heads hung low as they awaited their punishments. 

"Yes, sir," They each mumbled. 

"And there is sufficient evidence to have each of you expelled," Dumbledore wanted to get across the seriousness of what they had done. "Therefore... it is only fitting... that you each receive Special Awards for Service to the School."

Their heads shot up as they looked to one another with dumbfound smiles, very grateful for how that sentence finished. 

"Thanks, sir," Ron told him. 

"And now, Mister Weasley and Miss Stylinson, if you would," Dumbledore picked up a letter from his desk. "Have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we want our gamekeeper back."

"We'll get right on that, sir," Hope didn't know if she was still running off the adrenaline in her system, but she was wide awake as ever. Even for being up for nearly twenty four hours straight. 

The two of them left the office as they made their way down the spiral stairs. They didn't wait any time getting to the owlery, trying to get the letter out as soon as possible. 

Ron made his way over to Errol, placing the letter in his beak.

"Um, Ron," Hope gave him a funny look. "You think Errol is the best candidate for this mission? It's kinda important and all."

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