Chapter 17/ no ones pov

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As Bakugou lead Kirishima down the path he got an un easy feeling, like something was going to go wrong. He rolled his shoulder, trying to ease the tension to no avail. Bakugou watched the red head closely but nothing seemed a miss, so he shook off the feeling and just observed Kirishimas elated expression. So many smells, and colors, so many people...Kirishimas senses were alive with the experiences of the village.

Though so many new things intrigued him, beckoned him to touch and smell and taste, they were scary as well, so he kept close to Bakugou, though the male disliked having to rely on someone, had hated when ever he was offered help, when it was bakugou he didn't mind it. At the same time Kiri had the thought, The blonde was also quietly shifting through his memory, he had again gotten that feeling of nostalgia, of comfort from the red head happily enjoying the sights, almost making him want to he did the opposite.

Bakugou glared, putting on a scary face as they finally reached the Tavern and walked inside, the blonde too absorbed in his own confusion to notice the shaky hand Kirishima kept of the blades hilt.


A cheery pink face greeted the two as they walked in, Mina Ashido, the bar tender that Bakugou had thrown a coin at like she was some sort of stripper, waved happily at the blondes familiar face and gave a nod of greeting to his new red headed acquaintance.

"Hey, strong dude, you kill that dragon? People say it went missing with not a scale or tooth to remember it by"

Kirishimas eyes widened slightly, but bakugou smirked

"Why kill something when you can use it?"

Mina raised her eye brows in question and the blonde obliged, sitting down at the bar, Kirishima promptly following him

"I tamed him, and now he'll what what ever i say, hell I'm the Dragon King"

Bakguou said as he took a swig of the beer Mina placed before him, she looked at him with incredulous eyes. Kirishima guessed that travelers would often come in spouting stories about imaginary monsters they tamed or defeated, so he chimed in

"It's true! I totally saw him charm the red dragon, he was even brave enough to sleep next to it...I'm sure the dragon was great full for his trust"

Mina just shrugged and placed a cup of beer in front of kiri, who nodded his head in thanks, but when he glanced at the blonde, bakugous eye were already on him, a hint from some sort of  emotion he couldn't read swam underneath his confident, self centered expression, but he turned to Mina

"So have any strong people come by?"

Just as Mina was about to say some stupid retort, someone yelled from across the tavern


She snorted as both males turned to see who was yelling, standing at the other side of the tavern was a guy with yellow hair, a "weird hat" as bakugou thought and a strap around his chest carrying assorted knives and arrows. He wove through people to reach the counter and gave Mina a half, high-five, half handshake
(See top picture)

"I missed you man, what took so long?"

Mina said with a laugh

"Dude, the guy was some foreign prince who was like super old and frail, so we had to stop ever 30 minutes to relive his terrible bladder"

The yellow haired male said, with a dramatic eye roll

"Ugh that sucks, we even had to miss your birthday, sorry Denki"

Mina said sulkingly
(is that a word? idk but imma use it)

The male- Denki shrugs

"It was only yesterday, plus look what i got!!"

He pulls from his pocket a large brown, leather pouch that made jangling, and clinking sounds, the obvious indication of money. Some heads turn toward them, including bakugou, now fully alert at the mention of money


Mina half yelled, they were drawing too much attention, Krirshima thought.

"How the hell did you get that?"

Bakugou asked him, furrowing his eye brows at them

"It was just a regular job"

Denki says simply, baiting bakugou to ask more, he wouldn't, so kirishima stepped in again

"What kind of jobs do you do?

Denki was quiet for a second, then sat across from the two males

"Dangerous ones"

And Bakugou smiled

Scales to skin  (Kirkbaku fantasy AU)Where stories live. Discover now