Chapter 4

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Leaving in the morning was easy, everyone was asleep and i made sure to be as quiet as i could, using my skills in stealth i learned for hunting. The brisk morning air was a cold breath on my exposed chest and arms as i stepped out of me tent and i wrapped my red and white fur coat tighter around myself.
The ground crunched slightly under my feet and i had the sense of dignity not to tip toe away from the tents of the other tribe members, though i did step lighter.
It would be a pain if my mother found me leaving, she might even tie me to a tree if she felt the need. Fucking wench. I grumbled and found the small path a the edge of the forest that would lead me to the village. So i set down the trail with nothing but a dagger, gold coins and some dried meat that i held in the small brown bag, hanging from my belt.

It only took about half of the day to reach the village, sounds of people talking and laughing, the clanging of metal, wood carts being rolled from one place to another and the not so subtle smells of dust and sweat, all piercing the quiet and tranquility the forest i had just emerged from. I scowl but continue down the path into the streets of the village.
I passed open shops, with wooden stands full of fruits and vegetables, meats, and an assortment of weapons alongside glittering jewels that sparkled in the sun as i walked by. Some people gathered on the streets stared and pointed as i passed, but i sneered right back, keeping eye contact until they looked away.
These people were all just shameless cowards, no one strong or powerful, mentally or phisically would back away from my stare, i needed people who's power could rival my own, though i doubted anyone could beat me.
First i should start where all warriors tend to enter, either to gather intel or just to drink. I stop in front of a one of the largest wood buildings, scanning the entrance (easy enough to break out if i needed to) I thought, then stepped inside the tavern.

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