Chapter 14/ Kirishima

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Bakugou didn't pry any deeper and for that I was grateful. I stood still as he walked around the messy camp, shattered with a few broken scales and drops of blood, bakugou sighed

"Well we can't stay here"

I felt guilty, but he didn't yell or grimace as he turned to me and examined the hurts on my body

"You need to wash those wounds or they'll get infected"

He says simply, pointing off to our right

"There's a creak down there, while you're doing that, I'm gonna scout for a new spot to set a fire we can cook on, I bought some food at the market or maybe you just eat things raw"

"raw meat tastes nasty"

I say, sticking my tongue out in mock disgust, he let out a small huff

"don't fucking do anything stupid or I'll kill you"  

I blink at his words
Nodding, I turn, heading toward the stream when he yells from behind me,

"Wrong way dumbass"

I feel heat rise to my face and walk the other way.


The stream was freezing so I washed quick. But it gave me enough time to stop and think while the cold water ran over my wounds.

Was I doing the right thing? Agreeing to be "his dragon" I mean bakugou did save me, and he was treating me with....kindness? Or his version of it at least,

though this was one, of only two times I had revealed this other side of myself (sure, it was because of fatigue, but still) despite how the first time ended. I am great full to bakugou, his power is sick and there's just something about him that makes me, nostalgic even

I don't know.

The soft brush of a fish against my leg brought me back to reality, i finished washing myself and stepped out into the warm evening night, shaking my hair like a dog which turned out to be surprisingly effective and smoothing it up with a tiny bit of sap from the nearby citrus tree. I only need a little due to the fact my hair is naturally spikey and I love the smell of the woods and citrus, when was the last time I got to step out of the castle and use the sap? Not since-

"OI shitty hair! What's taking so fucking long!"

Bakugous voice echoes through the forest, i quickly slip on the clothes, wrapping his ripped cloak around my waist and hurrying towards the direction of that voice. 

Scales to skin  (Kirkbaku fantasy AU)Where stories live. Discover now