Chapter 11

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I yelled, dropping the bag full of supplies i had bought from a shop on the way back.
The stranger gave no response to my shout. I walked toward him


No response, I nudged him with my foot

"You dead?"

Leaning down, i put a two fingers on his bruised neck, feeling for a pulse, it was weak and he was barely breathing. And for some reason this complete half-dead stranger gave me a sensation in my stomach i had only ever felt once before.


I cursed, laying my options bare in front of me, i could just leave him here because he wasn't my problem and i needed to go find my dragon, i could drop him at a healers and leave, or...

Grabbing the herbs from the bag, i lifted him into a sitting position and opened his mouth, shoving the flowers in, though i had gone looking for herbs for dragons, the frog girl hadn't specified exactly what the flowers were. once i had fed him the last flower he chewed lightly and swallowed, despite being unconscious.

I shook my head, laying him down, i was reminded that he was bare in front of me and quickly looked away, ripping the end of my coat and covering him, trying to ignore the size of his....................hands

Sorry this was short, but there's another chapter coming 😏

Scales to skin  (Kirkbaku fantasy AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora