06 | 𝐍𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐱 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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We reach a room. 152. She enters and I see a woman lying on her back with her legs spread. I was bored, nothing to do, so why not going in too and just sit and... watch?

I understood that Emilia was a gynecologist. And I must admit, she looks fucking sexy.


After hearing that woman scream
- like Brittany when she broke her nail - she finally popped that kid out.

That kid looked like an alien. Jax was cute when he was popped out, but this- I should probably not even say it...

Seeing Emilia holding that alien made me think if she already has a child? She looks confortable and looks like she knows what to do.

You stupid dick, she's a gynecologist of course she knows what to do.

She's currently explaining something to the woman with the alien kid. So I just grab my phone and look at the pics with me and Jax.

I miss him already. I hope he's sleeping because this last days he got some problems to sleep. He always get some nightmares. So he sleeps with me in my bed. But when I'm not home he can't sleep without me, so I hope he's asleep.

Still waiting...

And waiting...

God I'm bored.

I don't even know why I entered the room. I'm not even a doctor or nurse.

I finally see Emilia entering the room again, with the baby in her arms wrapped around a pink blanket.

She gives the baby to her mom and makes her way to me. She sits on my lap and let her head rest on my peck.

"This was a difficult birth. Hey, euhm can you drop me home?" Her pretty eyes are looking deep in my soul, when she waits for my reply.

"Yeah, I can drop you home. But you need to give me a kiss first" I stroke her soft hair. She picks my head with her hands and kisses me hard.

I don't know why, but just by feeling her lips on mine makes me hard.

I don't think that this would stay by a one night thing.

I hope not, because I think I'm getting attached. Or maybe the sex is just good.


I am driving her home. I don't want her to leave. Should I take her on a date?

Maybe another time.

I drop her off, but not before giver her lips a kiss. "Bye, bellezza"

"Bye, carino" she gives me a grin before she opens her door and gets in.

I start the car and drive home. I glance at my watch and see that it's already 2AM.

When I finally see the gates of my house, I let a tired sigh escape my mouth. This was a long night.

I open te door and take my shoes off. When I'm finally upstairs I open my room door and turn on the light.

Going in my closet, I take off my tux leaving me in my boxers. Going back in my room I see Jax lying there.

I can barely see him, he's completely covered with the sheets and his little blanket that he brings wherever he goes.

I lie beside him and pull te sheets over me, and turn the light off. Pulling Jax to me, I kiss his forehead.

"Daddy, you're home?" My baby.

"Yes, daddy's home. Go to sleep munchkin, it's late"

I pick him up and lay him on me with his head on my peck. I know that he loves sleeping like this.

"Good night, baby"

"Good night, daddy"

I hope you guy's liked this chapter, because when I wrote it yesterday I was half asleep.

I don't even remember what I wrote. Do we say wrote? Or writed?


Do you guy's prefer Emilia's POV or Damian's POV ?

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐧Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz