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Us three had just entered the forest. My hands were stuffed in my sweatpants pockets and Tsu and Ochaco were walking together. We heard some screams. "I'm getting scared, Tsu. And those screams aren't helping." Ochaco stated, a slightly worried and fearful look on her face. "That's Kyoka and Toru, I think. Here take my hand." Tsu said and held her hand out. "Don't be afraid, We'll look out for each other. That's what friends do, right?" I reassuringly smiled from behind them.

"Everyone!" I heard in my head. "ACK! WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled from the suddenness. "Two villains attacked us, it's possible there are more coming, Everyone, return to camp immediately, we're regrouping. Do NOT engage any enemies." Mandalay said. 'Oh no.' I thought and ran closer to Tsu and Ochaco. "You heard that? Be on guard." I said monotonously.

Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair in space buns jumped out of the bushes. Swiftly, I moved in front of Ochaco and Tsu, standing protectively with them behind me. It was a reflex, really. I've been training with Dada for years and this was basically just muscle memory for me.

I glanced at her hand to see that she had a knife. Shit. I can't use Chain that much. I'm worn out from today's training. "Dammit." I muttered under my breath.

"Everyone in class A and class B, in the name of the Pro Hero, Eraserhead, you are granted to engage in combat. I repeat, use your training. You may fight these villains." She said. About time, Dad. I activated my quirk. "Tsu, Ochaco. I'm gonna go find some others, they might need my help. I trust you can defend yourselves?" I said to them. They nodded in response and I ran off into the forest, keeping my chains ready to attack.

As I was running, Mandalay's voice sounded in my head again. "Listen, we've discovered two of the villains' targets. It's the students, Aizawa and someone named Kacchan. You two, try to avoid combat, and stick to a group." 'COULD HAVE SAID THAT EARLIER WHEN I WAS STILL IN A GROUP.' I thought, hoping she heard that, which I know she didn't. "Fucking hell." I said while still running through the woods

As I was still running, I heard a gunshot. It wasn't exactly near me so I just kept running, there had to be someone near that. At least 2 to 5 people. They'll handle it. I was pretty much headed towards a random place, in hopes to find someone.

I charged forward but was instantly hit by a large dark hand. I was sent flying back from the impact. My phone also broke from the force. Shit. My back hit a tree and I fell to the ground. 'That looked like a raging dark shadow.' I thought. Gosh why is all the bad stuff happening now?

I stood up and held the tree for support. I wanted to cough, but Dark shadow would attack any sound or movement. 'His weakness is light, isn't it? If I could just find Shoto and Bakugou, they could tame him and Tokoyami can have control again. That's much easier said than done. I have no idea how far away they are or if they are fighting a villain. Shoji is probably already on it.'

I ran to the opposite side of Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. Suddenly, Dark shadow started heading the same way. I saw Shoji running in front of him with Midoriya on his back. I smiled and slowed my pace down to a light jog. I saw a decent sized tree and shot my chains around it, pulling myself up. 'If I get to higher ground, I could see what's going on.' I thought. I hoisted myself up and poked my head out of the leaves. I climbed up more and most of my body was above the leaves.

I cleared my head and looked around. Shoto and Bakugou calmed dark shadow. It's best so stay in a group right now anyway, so I jumped off of the tree and headed to them.

"... But I found out the villains are after Kacchan and Aizawa." Midoriya stated. I smirked, now would be the perfect time. Heh. From about fifteen meters away from behind Bakugou, I activated Erasure Chain and grabbed him. My chains wrapped around his arms, torso and mouth. I heard them freak out and get ready for a fight. I'm pretty sure I freaked blasty out too.

Chains of Fate  [S. Todoroki x Reader] [Aizawa's Daughter] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang