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I jolted awake from a thud on the living room floor. I groggily turned over to see that my phone had fallen off of the coffee table and was constantly vibrating. "Jeez what time is it?" I asked no one in particular as I picked up the phone.

385 new messages
48 missed calls

'The fuck?' I thought to myself when I saw that is was five in the morning and I had slept through the rest of the day yesterday.

I opened my phone to check who the psycho was that was constantly spamming me.

406 new messages

I rolled my eyes and called her. "FINALLY, YOU ANSWERED!" She screamed, instantly making me pull my phone away from my ear. "What the hell do you want? It's five in the damn morning." I said coldly yet sternly. "Midnight called me this morning." She said with a saddened voice. "If it's about my dad, don't worry, he's sta-" "It's not that, she said that you'd be transferring to U.A after the festival." She cut me off. I sighed, "Look, Sami, I'll miss you, I really will. It's just- my brother already goes there and Dad works there. I don't have anything against Shiketsu, U.A is just a more practical option." I explained calmly, a headache had developed from my rude awakening. "I know, I'm just surprised, y'know?" She chuckled sadly. "Okay, why did you give me like 500 notifications just because you're surprised because I'm transferring? It's a bit much." I said while pinching the bridge of my nose. "Sorry." She said with a nervous giggle. "It's okay. Just don't spam me at five in the morning ever again." I said angrily. "Sure, bye." She said and hung up before I could reply.

Since I was already up, I decided that I could just drink a cup of coffee and eat some breakfast. Maybe play some video games to pass the time.

After I ate, left my coffee on the island and headed upstairs to my room where my gaming headset was. I grabbed it and went back downstairs. I logged into my discord on the TV and connected my headset too. I saw that a few of my gaming friends were online and I saw that a few were.

I asked if we could call and play CoD. They all happily agreed and I started the call. "What's up you guys? It's been a while." I semi-energetically said. "What's up, Chain." A guy, DragonFire asked me. "Hey, Dragon." I asked as I opened Call of duty. "Heyo Chain." A girl, RoseVine politely said. "Hey Rose. Oh, and hello, Acid." I greeted her and another, quieter guy, AcidVoice. He hardly ever talks. "Hey." He said, his voice hoarse and raspy.

Because of Acid's quirk, he had developed a rather rare condition where there is acid on his vocal chords, causing his voice to get deeper and raspy. I'm pretty sure it's called GERD. I'm also convinced that Rose has a crush on him because every time he speaks to her, she gets all flustered and stumbles over her words. Its hilarious to listen to.

We also don't share our real names because we're not sure if its safe enough to do that. We only call each other by parts of our usernames:

We have more friends but they hardly ever play with us.

"So what're you guys doing up so early?" I asked as they all joined me in Cod. "Let's all play against another team." Dragon suggested. "Oh, we were all up since like 4 this morning playing." Rose stated. "Yeah" said Acid. I could just hear Rose's blush.

We got matched up with another team and started playing. "Shit. Rose, to the left if you!" I wanted, she turned to her left and shot the guy who was trying to kill her. "Damn, good aim." Dragon said, impressed that she killed him in one shot.

We continued to play and won the round. We played for two more hours until my phone rang. "Hey, y'all, my second dad is calling, be right back, cover me." I said and muted myself. I took off my black cat ear headset and answered Hizashi's call. "What's up, Zashi?" I saked into the phone before taking a sip of my Monster Energy. "Hey, kiddo, we can go visit your Dad. He's awake." He said loudly. "Awesome, when should I go?" I asked, happy that my Dad was awake. "You can come right now." He happily said. "Cool. I'll be there in about 40 minutes." I said and hung up.

Chains of Fate  [S. Todoroki x Reader] [Aizawa's Daughter] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن