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River's POV:

There was silence between us while drinking, i don't know why she's here but i'm happy because she's hanging out with me, WITH HER FAN.

"So you like caramel frappe too?" she finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, it's my favorite drink here" i said and took a sip.

"Me too, I say we both have similarities" she said.

I heard her chuckle, i know that she's looking at me, i can sense it.

"That's cool, having similarities with my favorite person" my eyes met hers and she quickly looked outside of the window.

 I saw her blush and I smiled because of it.

"Great view, isn't it?" she said.

"Yeah, it really is" i chuckled.

"Why are you here anyway?" i asked her.

"Is it bad? I just wanted to hang out and you know, enjoy life" she said, taking a sip from her drink.

"No, it isn't. I just got surprised because i can't imagine a famous singer hanging out with her fan like this" i said awkwardly.

"Like what?" She said, giving me a confuse look.

"Like this, coffee, it's surreal" I gave her an awkward smile.

"You look so cute with that smile" she said while staring at me.

I hid my smile because i know i'm blushing.

"Well, i need to go, thanks for the time" she stood from her seat and opened her arms for a hug

I hugged her, i can smell her perfume, she smells so great.

"I haven't ask for your name" she smiled at me.

"River, River Carter" i said.

"You have a beautiful name, i love it" she said.

"I'll see you around, River" she added.

"I'll see you around too, Olivia" i smiled at her.

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