Chapter 13

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Loki is speeding through corridors, checking every door he comes across, euthanizing enemies if he has to. He comes to a hallway that has what seems like a thousand doors lining it. He begins checking each one with stealth seeing that they all are mainly empty. He comes to a door and opens it and he recognizes it as the room he first seen on the cameras.  He looks around and sees the TV. He goes up to it and presses the power button. Clips of him of what he did in New York play and his heart shatter. You know what he has done now and he feels hopeless because he knows you could never love him now. He looks to the side of it and sees the binder and opens it. There are logs of what he has been doing the past few weeks which are uncomfortably accurate as well as photographs with the both of you together. He continues his search and finds your journal. He flips through it and sees that there was a new section from when he looked at it last. It describes him as 'Thomas' and your time with him. He takes the book and puts it in the pocket of the robes he is currently wearing and looks toward the chair to see locks of hair on the ground from where you have been shaved. He lets out a shakey sigh. 'She is still alive' He thinks to himself when he is interrupted by a voice. 

"Hey! Madam said no one was allowed in here until she is finished with the ceremony!" The man storms up to him and grabs him by the arm. Loki is shocked at first but tries to play it cool. "My apologies I was just retrieving the binder to archive it..." Loki says confidently. "If you don't mind me asking... I guess if you weren't aware I am new..." He says pulling away from the other persons grip. "What is the ceremony?" The person looks at him confused when a second white figure enters the room. "There was a breach at the South si..." The second figure pauses. "Hey!" they charge at Loki and Loki conjures up a dagger slitting the person in front of hims throat before stabbing him in the chest. He shoves the body into the second person making him stumble giving Loki the opportunity  to get behind him and hold the dagger to his neck. "Now you tell me what this ceremony is and I won't paint the walls with your blood." Loki hisses.  The person is shaking in his grasp. "T-The ceremony is to worship the Gods! W-We are creating a divine being to sacrifice! The God Loki will be pleased as madam said!" The person calls out. "Tell me more! What is this ritual? Why the sacrifice?" Loki hisses pressing the blade further into his neck. "W-With the help of the sacrificed they will rise again! They will rule beside the God Loki!." The person whimpers. "How are they making the divined? How does it end?" Lokis grip tightens around the person making them yelp. "N-No one as come back from the ritual yet! They have all died, b-but this girl seems promising!" "I understand that now tell me! How does it end!" Loki yells making the person turn away from his loud shouting. "After the brands have been laid a-and the carvings have been put in place... They will kill her!" Loki presses the blade against them just drawing blood. "Three circles are carved on her back and in the center a daggers that have been blessed by the Gods will pierce her in those places along her back!" Loki's chest is heaving as he takes in the information. "How do you know if she will live?" Loki asks. "Y-You don't. We don't know what happens afterwards because it has never been done before!" Loki stays still for a moment as the person pleads "Now ple-" Loki slits their throat and drops them as they choke on their own blood.

Loki exits the room and continues down the hallway until an ungodly screech reaches his ears. He takes off running towards the end of the hall and burst down the door. "(Y/N)!" He shouts as he breaks the door just in time to hear another. He looks around the room to see the figures on the ground surrounding you with two daggers sticking out of your back. The figures turn and the bald lady takes ahold of the last dagger. "Stop him!" She shouts and they get up and charge at him. Loki throws his dagger into the head of the one closest to him then conjures a second one and executes the second person in line. "Finish the ceremony madam!" The last person shouts. He sees you reach a hand toward him "Thom-" your voice lets out a loud hellish scream that cuts out at some points because of the pain. He sees your back arch with your head lifting to the sky as the bald lady twists it deeper. Loki felt like your screams were never going to end. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he killed the final figure and turning his head at your voice. "NO!" Loki races over to you dropping onto his knees. Your screams ceased your eyes still open. He was sure if he looked hard enough he would see the last thing you saw and that would be him not being able to save you. The bald lady seeming to be in a state of psychosis at this point is laughing. "It worked!" She cried "It wor-" She is cut off by Loki's death grip around her throat. She grasps his wrists clawing at them. He stands up and at his tall stature her feet are off the ground by a good six inches. "T-This was for you my lord." She wheezes out. Loki's grip tightens to the point they both know it would snap if she tried to move.

"She will come back!" She gasps. "How can you be sure!" Loki yells conjuring up what could be the 50th dagger of the day. "I'm not." She lets out a pitiful laugh.  Loki plunges the dagger into her bellow her ribs. She lets out a howl but continues to smile any way. "When she awakes she will know not of her power!" She gasps blood beginning to pour from her mouth. "There are more of us-" Loki twists it more causing her to cry out. The door behind him burst open and the sound of the Captain rings in his ears. "Put her down Loki!" The captain begins to make his way to him from behind. "I'm sorry if I broke your heart my Lord." She seems to be running out of breath. "She was a fighter and if she doesn't awake she would have been a useless experiment." Loki shouts in anger ripping the dagger from her before plunging it in again then ripping it out and throwing her across the room. Loki storms up to her crumpled form as she gathers breath. "It would be an honor to die by your ha-" She is cut off by the dagger plowing its way into her chest over and over and over again. Crying with each thrust of the blade. The shouts from behind him plead for him to stop. He is only brought out of his rage when Thor's big form wraps himself around him. "Brother PLEASE!" Thor shouts. Loki looks at the mess he has made. Blood pools around the mutilated corpse with that damn smile on her face. Loki looks down at his hands which are colored crimson he feels droplets of sweat roll down his face. Loki forgot how to breath. 

"We need medical in here now!" The captain shouts into comms. This brings Loki's attention back to you.  He escapes his brothers grasp kneeling next to you again. He goes to touch you before looking at his hands and wiping them on his pants. Blood smearing across his hands he picks you up in a way that you are facing him but the daggers to not touch the ground. "My Dove?" He looks for any sign of life bringing his head to your chest to listen to your heart beat which causes your head to lull back. There is no heart beat. "No, no, no!" Loki cries out tears now streaming down his face. "Please Darling please!"  As he looks over you he can still see where you were bleeding from all the carvings. He cups your cheek caressing the apple of your cheek with his thumb. Blood from his hands smear on your your cold face. Thor kneels opposite of him and places a hand on Loki's shoulder. Loki pushes it away. "Don't touch me!" He hisses before putting the hand back on your cheek. "Brother they have to take he-" "No!" Loki shouts gripping your body tighter. "Loki we hav-" "NO she will come back to me!" Suddenly pairs of hands find themselves wrapping around Loki. "NO!" He cries as your body is ripped away from him. "NO, Not my Dove let me go!" He goes to conjure something when a pair of power canceling handcuffs are placed on his wrists. "Brother give her back!" He sobs. He sounds utterly heart broken. The team has never seen him this distraught as they try to hold him down and keep him from fighting back. "N-No please give her to me!" He calls out as Thor carries her out. "THOR!" He cries. "PLEASE!" After a few seconds they begin to drag him out of the building. "(Y/N)! Where are you my Dove!" He calls out as soon as they are out of the base just in time to see you being airlifted out of the area. "NO! Plea-" Suddenly it all goes black.

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