Chapter 3

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"Hello! My name is (Y/N), I am your neighbor I live a mile or so that way." You point to your right from where you just exited the forest surrounding the property. He still stays silent looking you up and down trying to analyze you. "... Uh anyway! I have food for you and your friends I wasn't sure what all of you liked so I made what I thought was suitable. There are also some vegan options as well!" You walk back off the steps and gesture to the baskets inside the wagon. "I see you are not really fond of company, but I would like to get these inside before they spoil in the sun, would that be okay?" The man only steps aside allowing entry to the home. You quickly gather the baskets in your arms and walk inside unknowingly tracking mud inside as well. "Oh jeez... I'm sorry." You set the baskets down on the kitchen counter before taking off your boots and quickly dashing outside and setting them on the bottom stairs of the porch. " Okay where are your cleaning supplies?" You ask walking back inside and he only points to the kitchen sink. "Thank you!" You say as you make hast in cleaning the mess when you notice the bread oven and gasp. "Oh my Gods! You have a bread oven! I would kill to have one of these!" You exclaim the man seems to tense up. "I-I mean not literally I just... I really want a bread oven haha..." You say and walk over to the basket and begin to unpack the food. 

"So what I have are some gluten free, vegan, and other dietary options as well as a multitude of deserts that I hope you enjoy! I-" "Why are you really here." The man finally speaks. "I just- " you are cut off yet again by the man. " You barge in here with food as some sort of offering you obviously want something now spit it out!" The man exclaims making you flinch. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause a disturbance I just wan-" "Well you did and I would appreciate it if you leave! Take your alterative motives else where you mewling quim." He hisses venom dripping from his voice making you shut your eyes trying to avoid the tears that welled within them. You nod with a quick 'I'm sorry' and exit the home as fast as you could putting your boots back on as fast as you could, taking ahold of your wagon before making a mad dash back into the forest your wagon making loud metal noises as you run away.

Loki's chest is heaving with anger and exhaustion. "Was this some sort of test?" He calls out. "Was this to see that I would give into temptation of finding a way to be free?  Did I pass!" He shouts and leans over the counter trying to calm his breathing. The smell of food wafts it's way toward him, he looks up at the baskets and the food that was already unpacked. Some were covered is foil while others were covered in clear wrapping. He can see pieces of notebook paper taped on to each one that seemed to have a list of ingredients. He decided to unpack and unwrap all of them to take a closer look. Looking at all of them made his stomach growl. In one half of his mind he wants to throw it away but the other wants to devour and try every and all foods that is currently presented to him. All the foods seem home made so he decides to take a risk and try some. He takes a fork out of one of the drawers near the sink as well as a plate from an overhead cabinet and look at them to see what is calling to him. He spies some chocolate truffles and slides some on to a plate before stabbing it with the fork and gingerly taking a bite. His eyes widen and a warmth seems to overcome him. This food tastes somewhat familiar but he cannot seem to place where he has ever eaten it. He then moves on to a cheese platter that also had an assortment of meats and crackers. He takes a bite of this as well and hums in delight as he continues to eat slowly. He begins to feel some form of guilt that he has never felt before. Loki never really feels that emotion but something about the person he met today and how kind they were despite wanting nothing in return. His thought is cut off by a whimper. At first he looks around in search of it until he realizes that it was the voice in his head, His stomach is suddenly full. The person in question must have made an offering, but why do they seem so sad?

When you arrive home your chest is heaving up and down. You drop the wagon only for it to make a loud bang as hit hits the ground. You look back to see that your wagon has a front wheel missing. This just causes you to break. Tears begin running down your face as you try wiping them away. You walk inside kicking your shoes off and slamming the door. Never had you encountered someone so full of hate by just meeting a person. Well you have, just not in a long time since you moved out here. You enter your room which had a queen sized bed with (F/C) blanket and sheets, You had posters of all kinds as well as a few colorful tapestries on the wall. You have your alter on the left side of the room and your desk across from it with your bedroom door to the left of the desk. You sit on your bed about to snuggle into it when you notice the violent flickering of Loki's candle. You assume that he must want an offering since you have yet to give one to him recently so you quickly exit your room to find some left over truffles and some coffee to set there. When that is done you decide to curl up and read the book you have just began to read. Your tears now fully gone but the sorrow is still heavy on your mind. You get up and decide to have some dinner by making your (Y/F/F). After your belly is full it seems that the day has passed you by. The sun is beginning to set and the forest darkens all around you. You shower, get dressed is comfy pajamas , and finally settle in for the night and allow darkness to over come you.

Loki and His Follower ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now