Chapter 12

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You wake up screaming to a piercing feeling in your skin. You see above you the bald lady holding a dagger covered in a weird liquid as well as your blood. "Stop! Please!" You cry out as they continue to carve all sorts of shapes into you going down your chest to your stomach. One of the people in the room handed her another dagger with a glowing, hot, red blade. They moves on to your forearms. As they carve the heat from the blade is cauterizing the wound. On your other forearm you see that you have an IV drip, which is dripping the same strange liquid. "What is this! Please just stop!" You sob out trying to squirm away from her. She lets out an annoyed sigh and whistles again. Someone from behind you grips your head and yanks it to the side before stabbing a needle into your neck. You feel the liquid, drug, or what ever it is enter your system and suddenly you are relaxed. You feel to weak to move or speak yet you can still feel all the pain she is inflicting on you. Every time she placed the blade on your skin you let out whimpers. "Now that you are relaxed I guess I can explain  why as you keep asking." The bald lady says smoothly looking back up at the camera before nodding her head toward it and the cameras cut off. She turns back to you and continues her work. "We use to be a group of researchers for Hydra, but I realized our potential." She says as the blade gets switched out again. "So this..." She points to the liquid in your IV drip and says "... is a form of Super Soldier Serum. Those syringes have different strands of DNA from enhanced beings." She says and moves over to your other forearm. The assistants removed the drip and moved it to your other arm. Whimpers leave you mouth once again as she seems more enthusiastic as she talks. 

"The reason we chose you is because you seemed to be well versed in the divine arts... And the fact that you have the favor of the God Loki." She says as she is now half way down, the blade is now to cool to cauterize the wound but she doesn't seem to care. "So anyway. We left Hydra and expanded our efforts. We have many others around the world now." She says as more blood spills small drops falling to the cold concrete ground. "We renamed ourselves 'The Purity' because that is what we are and what we are doing..." She says finally finished with your arm.  "Your love for Loki and his love for you are strong, but you are not pure... at least not yet." She says and snaps her fingers and they undo your feet and wrists. You are tuned on your side in the chair uncomfortably and they begin to carve from your hips down your legs. "No one has survived this process just yet... But we have perfected our methods and our serums." She says putting more pressure on the word perfected. "And you are the perfect specimen. Quite beautiful as well. When Hydra gets wind of the being we have created they will come for you." She says a smile growing on her face. "They will come and we will gladly give you to them. Well after we are done with you of course." She says carving especially hard on your ankle before the assistants turn you on your other side. You let out a cry as the rough leather of the chair dig against your fresh wounds. By this time they have put you on another IV bag and you are beginning to move around a bit. "You have power over a God. With you by our side we will finally be ruled properly..." She leans in then whispers in your ear. "... That is what your friends think anyway." She says then goes back to the carving on your calf. At this point you begin to try and sit up and roll off the chair. The IV rips out of your arm as you do this and you try to crawl toward the door. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... My little (Y/N)... Must need patience little one." She says and whistles before the others place you facing parallel to the door your head turned to it. You are on your stomach and you are breathing heavily. You feel the prick of a needle enter your neck once again but this time you are now barely conscious.


"Guys... The camera just cut off!" Bruce says into the head set he was wearing to communicate with everyone. "What do you mean they got cut off?!" Tony shouts back. "Exactly as it sounds Tony. That just means we need to cut our time in half." Steve says into the comms. All the groups that are traveling by foot seem to pick up the pace, especially Loki and Wanda. "So, how did you both meet?" Wanda asks trying to make small talk. Loki glances her way seeming reluctant but decides to answer. "She just appeared on my doorstep the day after the team left. She brought food. It tasted good." He says being short with her. They go for a few more minutes in silence before she asks another question. "So despite what the description of the letter said. What does she look like?" Loki is silent again then answers. "She... She has smooth (S/C) skin, very soft to the touch. Her hair is (H/L) and (Hair Texture) that is very soft..." He steps over a log and helps Wanda over it as they continue. "...Her eyes aren't just (E/C) they are soft and hold genuine love and care behind them..." Loki gets this far away look. He speeds up moving ahead of Wanda "...I am lucky if she ever looks at me that way." Suddenly the comms chime in.  It is Vision from above saying. "Wanda, Loki I am getting multiple heat signatures from up and to the left of you. The base is just past them." Loki conjures up his twin daggers and Wanda's hands glow red with anticipation. Being light on their feet they head in the direction of where Vision said they were. Steve then chimes in. "You need to wait so we can take them out at the same time." "We don't have time I need to get in there." Loki whispers back to him. "Loki this is an order stay put!" Steve hisses. 

Loki peeks over the bush to see white figures patrolling and armed. Wanda places a hand on his shoulder. "Lets do this." She whispers to him. He nods but holds up a hand. "Wait." He says and puts an illusion around both of them. They are wearing the exact clothing of the guard, well only of what they could see at least. They just have to hope that this disguise works. "Keep a level head." Loki says but seemingly more to himself then Wanda. They exit the bushes and the three guard pause. "We have come to relieve you." Loki says calmly and he sees the three tense up. They whistle at each other then turn to whistle to them. Wanda and Loki freeze and the guards taking that as an answer they attack them. Loki drops the illusion and the three seem stunned. Wanda takes the chance to use her power to pick up one and throw him into the others. "Get inside Loki! I can take care of this!" Loki hesitates for a moment. "Thank you witch." He says before running in putting up the illusion once again.

Loki and His Follower ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now