Chapter 4

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A week has passed since that encounter and you have tried not to think about it by busying yourself in your practice and tending to your garden. You eventually found your wagon wheel but unfortunately you are going to have to buy a new one. You are also missing your baskets, you used those to collect your vegetables, but now you have to rely on a small cooler that you never use. As you are walking to the front of your home you see movement out of the corner of your eye. Your head snaps in that direction only to see the man from the week before standing there with the baskets you were just thinking about. You slowly approach him making your way around him to walk inside. He seems uncomfortable in the situation his eyes drilling in the back of your head. "Um Miss?" He says finally. From his tone you can tell he wasn't use to this , but his voice still held power within it. You look up from the door nob and turn around to look at him. Instead of a suit he is in a long sleeve black turtle neck and some black jeans with outdoor shoes that has mud on them.  You look away playing with your fingers. The man clears his throat "Miss uh... (Y/N) I believe your name was... I just... " He pauses adjusting the baskets in his hands. "I just wanted to apologize for my behavior the day we met. I now realize that you were being genuine in your actions. I hope that you will come to forgive me in the future." There is a pregnant silence that passes between you both. "Do you read a lot of Shakespeare?" You ask. "I beg your pardon?" The man responds raising a brow in confusion. "Do you?" He pauses for a moment before saying. "Yes I guess I find it quite enjoyable." You smile slightly. "I was wondering because when I read a lot of old English books I tend to start speaking that way."  The man has a ghost of a smile on his face but it disappeared as fast as it came. "I regret to inform you that this is how I have always spoke." He says adjusting the baskets again . You nod and turn back to the door opening it. "Would you like to come inside?" You ask looking over your shoulder. "If that would be alright with you Miss." He responds. You nod taking one of the baskets and walking inside taking off your shoes by the door.

"Please put your shoes by the door Mr.?" "Lo-" He cough loudly. "Um Conrad, Thomas Conrad." You nod with a smile making a quick dash to shut your bedroom door. "Nice to meet you Thomas, or would you prefer me to call you Mr. Conrad?" You ask setting the basket you had in your hand down on the kitchen table you had in your small space. "Thomas is fine." He says still standing at the door. "Go ahead and step inside. I'm not going to bite your head off or anything" You smile as you begin to unpack the dishes that were in the basket. They had dried soap stains from what you were guessing an attempt to wash them. You would need to rewash them later. "Thank you for bringing back my baskets and dishes!" You say as Thomas walks closer to where you were standing, his shoes off, and setting the other basket next to the other. "You're welcome. I-I would like to say... Uh Your food was very delicious" Thomas says looking at the side of your head. "Why thank you Thomas! I will say though, you don't have to complement me to get on my good side. You have already been forgiven." You says putting the dishes in a neat stack on the table. For some reason Thomas looked almost surprised by what you said. "You do?" He asks analyzing you to see if you are telling the truth. "The fact that you made an effort to find my home to return my things goes to show that you are a good person... Or you are just trying to find a way for me to cook for you again." You say giving a cheeky smile. His eyes widen "No of course not I-" You end up laughing. " I am only teasing you. No need to be so serious. I promise so far you have done nothing to offend me." You says going over to the fridge. "Would you like some lemonade?" You ask. Thomas tilts his head in confusion. "What is lemonade?" He asks. You pull out a pitcher that was full of ice and sliced lemons. "Have you never had lemonade before?" You ask getting out two glass cups from your cupboard. "I believe I have not." Thomas responds clasping his hands behind his back. "Well at ease soldier because you are having some!" You pour the lemonade into the glasses and walk to the couch. "Come join me!" You say sitting down on your (F/C) couch. Thomas sits down and you push the glass into his hand. He brings the glass up to his nose and smells it. You have a smirk playing on your face. He takes a sip and his face scrunches up and he quickly places the glass on the coffee table. He swallows as fast as he can. "That tastes ungodly!" He exclaims as you giggle. You quickly get a candy from the bowl in the middle of the coffee table and hand it to him. "Suck on this it will take the sourness away. I'm sorry I didn't warn you but the look on your face was to funny!"  You say your giggles turning into full blown laughter.

Loki was surprised by how welcoming you are. The last thing he expected was to be welcomed into your home after his heinous display of his character. He seems very out of place and very out of character. He would almost never find himself in this attire or try and be remorseful and go as far as to please someone he had just met, a mortal at that. He wasn't sure what this feeling was but it was like some form a familiarity.  He felt at ease with your voice, It was strong with a soft touch. Your body language displays confidence but your shoulders tend to curl inwards when lost in thought. The thing he was most fond of was your laugh. As he was sucking on the sweet candy he had just unraveled and popped in his mouth all that occupied his mind was your laughter. He hated this feeling because he could not describe it. All he knew was that he wanted to learn more about you. He sees you sipping at the sourness within the cup with a small smile piled on your face. Loki noticed the sun started to set and decided it was time to go. He wouldn't want a reason for an unexplained visit from the team if they did not see him on the property. "I think it be best if I leave now (Y/N)." He says slowly looking at them. You turn their head toward him. "Yes it is getting late and we don't want you to get gobbled up by the wild life." You say with a smile. Loki gives a small smile back. He then looks forward his eyebrows furrowing together. "Can... Can we do this again?" He asks looking back toward you. "That would be nice. I would enjoy that very much." You smile. You both stand up and walk toward the door. Loki puts his shoes back on and steps outside. "Do you need me to walk you home?" You ask him. "No I'm sure I will be fine." He says looking back at you. "Have a good evening." Loki says. "You as well!" (Y/N) says with a smile. "Until we meet again." Loki nods at the last phrase and makes his way through the forest to the lonely cottage that didn't seem to lonely any more. Taking in the bliss of the day. He didn't realize that he was being watched.

Loki and His Follower ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now