Chapter 7

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Loki hears your voice speak to him late in the night. You seem worried as he is sure that you are writing in your journal about it.  There is no more praying that he is use to it is more like talking to a friend. "I wonder what color you like the most." He hears you say and this causes him to chuckle. "You are the first deity I have started speaking to. My father would have beat the shit out of me if he found out that: "You worshipin' the Devil!" You say putting on an over exaggerated voice of your dad. This causes him to laugh as he begins to zone out at the sound of your voice. He begins thinking of other things. The Avengers have been visiting more frequently since the discussion about this new group. Thor every time he has been coming by seems to have a smug grin on his face. The only thing he has said was: "Heimdall says 'Hi'" Followed by laugh. This makes Loki believe that he knows about the meetings with (Y/N) which worries him. It has been a few days since he has visited you because if that is the case the team might know about you as well. He doesn't want you to be ambushed with people who believe he is scheming with. Thinking of Thor seemed to have brought a storm with it. Lightning is flashing through the window followed by the loud roar of thunder. The winds howl loudly beating against the cottage with great force. Suddenly a crash and a shrill scream echoes in his mind ripping him from his thought and then suddenly an eerily silence. He find himself sitting up immediately from his bed rushing to the edge of the loft and jumping down. He conjures his twin daggers not bothering with a jacket or anything to protect him from the elements. All he is wearing is a dress shirt and dress pants because he has yet to get ready for bed. He rushes out of the cottage into the forest with only the sparks of lightning guiding his way to your home.

The storm began to pick up and with that came your fear. If you still lived in the city you wouldn't be to worried but out here the storms that came through are brutal. An uneasy feeling washed over you so you decided to cleanse some crystals with some incense and deciding to speak to Loki. He seems active right now which calms you a bit. With each word the flame flickers as if the God is invested in what you have to say. "I need to get you something." You say as you exit your room into the darkness of your living room going over to the fridge only to see that the light doesn't turn on inside it. Getting out some sweets that he seems to enjoy you shut it. Trees scrape against your home banging with huge amounts of force making you jump when it hits particularly hard. You continue to your room  placing it on the dish that you do to give offerings. "The storm is really pi-" Suddenly a huge rock comes colliding into your window shattering it into pieces. It his your wooden floor so hard it leaves a dent in the wood and bounces off the ground before sliding under your bed. This causes you to scream as glass explodes everywhere. Your blinds and curtains are whipping wildly due to the wind causing your candle to blow out. In your haste you dash to your broken window stepping in glass in attempt to shut the shutter from the inside. "Shit!" You exclaim as you feel the sharp bits of glass in your feet. The rain drops feeling like tiny pin needles against your skin and arms. Your hair is thoroughly soaked the shutters are fighting to stay against the house not willing to budge an inch. There is suddenly a loud bang coming from the living room then a pair of stomping feet. Before you can hurry to lock your door your bedroom door bursts open causing you to scream as the figure crosses the room toward you and grabs you. 

"LET GO!" You shout. "It's me! It's me Thomas!" He says trying to calm you down. You look up at him and quickly pull him into a tight embrace. He pulls you away and cups your face in his hand swiping some of your wet hair out of your face. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" Thomas asks question after question. "I'm fine Tom. I'm fine... Why would someone hurt me?" You ask looking up in confusion. "I am just making sure. Y-You're bleeding!" He stutters as he tries to look you over more. You see Thomas look behind you to see the glass on the ground. He bends down picking you up bridal style causing you to yelp in surprise clutching on to his wet dress shirt. He walks into your living room setting you down on the couch before getting on his knees to examine the damage done to your feet. You jump again when a particularly loud crash of thunder claps. Thomas walks over to your bedroom door and shuts it.  As the adrenaline begins to lessen you begin to feel the pain in your feet at a higher level. A few tears escape your eyes. "Where is your first aid kit Dove?" If you weren't in pain right now you would have blushed. You point to the kitchen and say. "Under the sink" You whimper. He speeds toward the sink opening the cabinet under the sink pulling out the first aid kit and walks back to you. "Lay back love." He says softly. You do as he says laying against a decretive pillow. Thomas sits at the end moving your feet into his lap. "I wish I could say this wouldn't hurt but I will say that I will be as gentle as I can." He says massaging your calf before moving to your foot holding it gently as he begins to use tweezers picking out the glass. Your feet curls and flinches with each piece he pulls out. More tears cascade down your face. "Almost done Dove..." He says as he gets the last piece and wrapping your feet with gauze. You decide to sit up looking at him.

"I apologize for getting your couch wet." Thomas says "I still have your clothes from when you were here that one time. You can change." You say and he nods. "They are hanging in the bathroom on the back of the door." He goes to where you said and he comes out a few minutes later. "It seems the power is out." You nod as you see another flash of lightning  come from the living room window. You see Thomas walk over to the small fireplace and light it almost effortlessly. He comes over and sits beside you and you lean into him. He wraps  his arms around you laying back against the arm rest moving to where you are laying on his chest between his legs. "How did you know?" You ask in a whisper staring into the fire the warmth encasing you. "Know what dove?" Thomas asks and you look up at him. "It was a gut feeling... Rest now." He says entangling one hand in your hair brushing through it with his fingers untangling the knots caused by the wild wind. He uses the other to glide his finger tips up and down your arm. This slowly soothes you to sleep the last thing you feel before you fall asleep was a pair of cold lips kissing your hairline.

Loki and His Follower ( Loki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now