Human Errors! Part 1 (Team Prime X Reader)

Start from the beginning

"That does not sound convincing." Ratchet grumbled.

"Any better ideas? I'm open for ideas, Doc." Miko rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me Doc!" Ratchet sighed but backed away, not having any other better suggestions. Bumblebee spoke, to everyone's surprise, in his usual warble.

:-Do you think your friend would like...believe us?-: he said. Raf and the Bots could understand what he said just fine and the small boy translated for his friends.

"Oh, don't worry! My friend is the chilliest gal in the town! She'll help!" Miko said, grinning widely as she typed on her phone.

"Who is this acquaintance of yours, Miko?" Optimus finally spoke up, though he had a tint of hesitancy on his voice. Miko beamed at him and gave him a short reply.

"Oh, you'll see."


"I am so tired..." I groaned, dragging my bunny slippers through the quiet foyer of my house. I yawned and made my way to the kitchen counter. Taking out a teabag and dropping it into a cup, I forced my tired hands to pour hot water into it, careful of not scalding myself during the process. I put in two cubes of sugar and stirred it, bopping my head back and forth as I fought sleep from taking over.

I took some ice cubes and dropped into the cup before taking a small sip, sighing lightly as I leaned back on the counter, enjoying my peace. With a much clearer vision this time, I made my way back upstairs with the cup of tea in my hands, hoping to probably snooze for another half an hour before doing something useful.

Setting down my cup on the bedside shelf, I crashed into the comfy duvets, struggling to keep my eyes open even after drinking tea. "Goodnight, world." I said and conked out.


"...(Y/N)...fine...she' (Y/N)?"

"Mhmm....MHMPH!" I woke up with a jolt. Looking around crazily, I backed away into the bedframe and screamed loudly as I saw Miko suddenly in front of my vision.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed and threw a pillow at her face.

"OW! What the hell, (Y/N)!?" She whined, taking the pillow and tossed it onto the bed softly.

"THAT'S MY LINE, MIKO!" I hissed, staring at her with wide eyes. My bedroom door was wide open and there stood a few people that I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT RECOGNISE! Pulling her arms, I took the girl in close and whispered harshly in Japanese, not wanting the...people out there to understand our conversation.

"What are you thinking, Miko!?" I said, gripping the Japanese girl's arms even tighter as I groaned.

Miko was the kid I've been babysitting and had grown to love her as my little sister, but lately I haven't been seeing her and now suddenly she pops up with a ton of people that I don't fucking know!?

What the fuck?

"Look, I tried calling you but you didn't pick up! Heck, I even texted you!" she yanked her hands away and fished out her phone to show me proof. I groaned even louder and the girl smiled in satisfaction.

"I'll explain to you as quick as possible, but the main point is that these friends of mine need a place to bunk in for a while. I wouldn't have come to you if we had a choice (Y/N), please?" Miko pleaded, giving me her teary-eyed look. I stuffed my head into the pillow and groaned another time before looking up at her tiredly.

"Fine. But I don't have enough money to feed them even if I want to! How long are they going to stay?" I said, exhaustion gone fully from me.

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