7. The one with the Rejection

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Over the next month, in order to stay away from Michael Wood she usually hung out in the James's dorm or the library with Lily. Though there were sometimes in between lessons that she did ran into him. And he always bugged her about Sirius or the Quidditch team.

Though one particular afternoon Julianna was in the library studying with the girls. Lily was going through all of her notes while complaining about how James had irritated her that day. Julianna was hardly paying attention though, it was usually the same to things. James was messing with her best friend, Severus, or James had tried to ask her out again. Julianna would rather listen to her complain about anything other than her brother. But Lily kept talking aimlessly about how arrogant he was. How selfish he was being. How immature it was of him to always keep his hair messy.

"I mean I just can't understand the nerve on that-"

"Lily. Lily. I love you but can we not talk about my brother so much. I swear on Godric Gryffindor that you're in love with him." Julianna finally said looking up from her books with a look of exhaustion.

Lily scoffed however stopped talking about James the rest of the time they were studying. They instead talked about small unimportant things. Like Marlene talking about how she stubbed her toe on the common room couch that morning. Or what conditioner Alice was using this year seeing as it changes yearly.

Julianna felt a burning sensation in back pocket, so with a scowl she stood up.

"Oh hey! Did that Wood boy make it on the Quidditch team?" Lily asked as though she was interested in the sport.

"Yeah " Julianna sighed with a look of displeasure across her face.

Lily gave her her a sympathetic smile before looking back to her books as Julianna left the Library.

Slamming the door shut behind her, here she was staring at the boys in their dorm. All of their eyes shifted to her,"What?" She seethed.

"How's your day going?" Sirius chuckled nervously.

"You-" she snarled taking slow steps closer to him,"-made me walk halfway across the castle to ask me how my day was?"

"Yes?" He said, though it sounded more like a question coming off of his lips.

"I am going to kill you Sirius Black!" She said incredulously while attempting to jump at him.

"Woah!" James exclaimed jumping up and grabbing his sister to stop her murderous rage.

Sirius had his back up against the wall with wide eyes and Remus held an amused expression watching the situation the best he could with the full moon approaching.

"Now. Now Annie. Let's talk this one out, like we usually do." Sirius said with a smirk.

"Oh I will wipe that arrogant smirk off of your face, Black!" She yelled causing Peter to flinch,"Man up Wormtail, I'm not here for you."

Sirius was trying not to smile at how easily the girl was riled up. It was also easy for him. Almost everything he said or did made her angry. Though she still considered him her best friend, third to James and Lily.

"Alright. Alright Julianna! What's this about?" James said pulling her away to look at him.

"He wasted my time. Time is O.W.L.S James. Time is O.W.L.S" she said quickly with a crazed look in her eyes.

"Come off it, You've been studying for almost a month straight. You're starting to sound like Lily." James said to his sister, who quickly glared at him,"Calm down. You keep putting yourself through so much stress, J.P. relax."

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