3. The one with the Boggart

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The second Julianna was able to get out of bed in the morning she started making her way towards the great hall, but of course James and Sirius ruined her peace and quiet when they saw her in the corridors,"Hey Jules. Where are you going?"

"Where are we going Annie? Going to go see my brother?" Sirius asked jealously.

"No need to be jealous Sirius. I only have room for three arrogant men in my life. You, James, and my father."

"Oh stop. You're making me blush." James said waving at her arrogantly.

Julianna rolled her eyes and tried her best to ignore them the rest of the way down to the great hall, but it was hard considering Sirius was jealous, even more so when Julianna waved at Regulus in the hallway, and James was just being James.

"Does Lily know you're dating my brother?","How long have you been seeing him Annie?","Do you think Evans will agree to go out with me this year?"

"I'm not dating your brother Sirius, I promise, And probably not James." Julianna said,"Now please shut up. I'm tired and I just woke up."

"Fine." Sirius mumbled bitterly with his arms crossed as he pout. Julianna sighed mentally cursing herself for what she was about to do. She turned to Sirius and immediately turned away, this was going against everything she stood for. Rule number 9. Don't date/kiss your twin's best friend. James has been trying to break that rule ever since Lily was sorted into Gryffindor. But at last she turned back to Sirius and kissed his cheek which caused the two boys to stop walking immediately, James being confused and Sirius being too shocked to move as his face turned red. What just happened. Julianna however kept walking, she rolled her eyes as if it were going to hide her red face. Just as Julianna was turning the corner for the great hall Sirius shook his head,"ANNIE! ANNIE WAIT!" he called out as he ran towards her.

"Yes Black?" She asked innocently as he fell into step with her.

"What was that for?"

"What was what for, Padfoot?" She said but Sirius grabbed her arm and turned her around to look at him.

"You kissed me." He said to her baffled.

"I kissed your cheek, Sirius. I didn't stick my tongue down your throat." She sighed while tapping his cheek.

"It still counts." He objected quickly,"Why did you kiss me, Annie." He asked with an arrogant smirk.

"Well now I wish I hadn't." She scowled.

"Well you can't take it back."

"It was the only way I could to get you to shut up about your brother." She said,"I'm not dating your brother. And I never will date him because he's your brother Sirius."

"I know." Sirius sighed avoiding her gaze,"It just really bothered me seeing you laughing with him yesterday and I don't know why."

"Jealousy." She said in a sing song voice as she walked to the Gryffindor table.

Sirius denied it. He wasn't jealous of his brother. He had no reason to be. Julianna Potter was his... His best friend. Sirius watched her, and with every movement she made, it became very clear to Sirius that he wanted her to look at him. It sounded stupid in his head, she looked at him all the time. But he wanted her to look at him like she was in love with him. No. He wanted her to BE in love with him.

Alice, Marlene and Lily were all eating at the table, Marlene more than most. Sirius sat down at the table silently and stared at his hands which made the girls furrow their eyebrows. James sat down at the table glaring at both Sirius and Julianna which made the girls even more confused. Julianna however sat down with an arrogant expression.

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