Chapter 24: A Baby

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Third person pov.....

"AHHHHHHH!!!!....." Yeji shouted so that she could take the baby out of her womb.

"You can do that baby" Ryujin held her hand.

"One more time!" The doctor said. So Yeji took a deep breath and.....


*Crying baby*

Yeji released a baby girl. It was white and has a hazel -colored eyes, like her Mother Ryujin.

Fortunately, nothing bad happened to Yeji while she was giving birth.

The doctors wrapped the child in a towel and set it aside for Yeji.

Yeji cried and carried her daughter. While Ryujin was also staring at her daughter.

"She likes you...... her eyes..... it's like your eyes too" Yeji said to her wife and smiled.

"Her eyelids baby...... its from you...." Ryujin also said and gently held her daughter hand.

The doctor held it to them for a moment and took it immediately for cleaning.

They named it Yejin, short for Yeji and Ryujin.

A few minutes later Yeji fell asleep.

Their child is already in the babies room, and Ryujin inevitably looks at their very beautiful child.

"Ryujin unnie!!!!" Yuna shouted as she approached Ryujin.

"Hey Yuna" Ryujin greeted her.

"Has Yeji unnie given birth yet?" question it immediately.

"Yes. And she's so beautiful......" Ryujin replied and looked at her daughter again.

"Beautiful?, does that mean your baby is a girl?!"

"Yes, and her name is Yejin. Short for our name of my wife......"

Later, Chaeryeong, Soobin and Lia also arrived.

"Hey Ryu!!...... how is Yeji?, my niece?" Lia asked immediately.

"She's fine, they're fine...."

They looked out of the mirror to see Yejin sleeping peacefully.

"She likes her mother..... She's so pretty and georgous....." Ryujin said again slowly bursting into tears.

"But why are you crying?, aren't you happy?...." Lia wondered.

"This is my tears of joy......"

They just smiled at what Ryujin said.

While the baby was sleeping, Ryujin decided to buy medicine that Yeji would take in case she got sick.

She was with her two friends, Soobin and Chaeryeong, and Lia and Yuna were left to watch over the child.

"You're so happy huh?" Chaeryeong asked her while following her.

"How I'm not going to be happy?, she has given birth. And one more, the prophecy has been fulfilled, our daughter will be the new chapter of peace"

"That's right" Soobin whispered.

While they are busy shopping. a group of men intercepted them.

"Ryu..... do you know them?" Chaeryeong whispered.

Ryujin could smell the Werewolf Smell on them.

"They are werewolves..... and they plan to kill us" she replied.

"We have to leave here" Soobin would have tried to leave but Ryujin stopped him.

"We don't have to run, they are the last in their Race and we will consume them" Ryujin said and put aside what she bought .

"Looks like we're going to get into trouble" Chaeryeong said and clench her fist.

The three were already preparing for a fight.
Eventually the men returned to a  werewolves and pulled out their salivating fangs.

"Are you ready?" Ryujin asked.

"Yes we are ready!!" The two answered unison.

One by one the wolves attacked and one by one they also killed.

The store was almost in disarray and other shoppers were even scared.

Soon the battle, they killed all the wolves.

"I never thought it would be that easy" Chaeryeong said and stretched.

"Guys, we have to get out of here before the police arrive" Soobin said.

Ryujin immediately paid her purchases to the cashier who panicked because of what happened. They didn't hesitate anymore and immediately teleported to the hospital .

They arranged themselves and went straight to the babies room.

"What happened to you?, why do you look so tired?" Lia was surprised when she noticed that their clothes were messy.

"Uhmmm..... just a little mess" Soobin lied.

"Your passion for trouble, thank you and you have power, because if without. Me and my friends will losing girlfriends" Lia preached as if they were their parents.

"I'm sorry Lia....." they said at the same time.

"How's Yeji?" Ryujin asked.

"She's still asleep, Yuna is watching over her"

Ryujin walked over and entered Yeji's room.

"Hey unnie!" Yuna greeted her.

"Hello Yuna, thank you for watching over Yeji. Can you come out for a moment?"

"Sure unnie" Yuna stood up and left the room.

Ryujin approached Yeji's bed and sat down next to it.

"Baby~" she stroked the redhead's hair and kissed her cheek.

"Baby wake up" Yeji slowly woke up after a while and the first person she saw was her wife.


"Are you feeling okay?" Ryujin asked.

"Yes, where is our daughter?"

"She's in the babies room, being watched by our friends" Ryujin replied.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Yeji asked.

Ryujin smiled and replied,

"Yes. Very much. she's as beautiful as you....." Ryujin replied smiling at her wife.



"I'll make a promise" Yeji raised an eyebrow in astonishment.

"What do you mean Ryu?"

"I promise I won't leave you, I promise I will take care of you, I promise I will protect you with our daughter until the end of my life" The vampire's tears fell and so did Yeji.

"Ryujin..... I love you too, i also promise i won't leave you. forever..... " and Yeji pulled Ryujin to kiss her.

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