"Je t'aime aussi, papa. J'aime aussi mes grands frères, Fuzzy et Biscuit."- stated merrily Genevieve, smiling dazzlingly, making all of us grin. (I love you too, daddy. I also love my big brothers, Fuzzy and Biscuit.) 

"Oh, papa, j'aimerais vous présenter Fuzzy - mon lapin."- chirped Genevieve, showing me her plush bunny, and i smiled at her sweetness. (Oh, daddy, I'd like to introduce you to Fuzzy - my bunny.) 

"C'est très joli, ma petite douceur."- I replied genuinely, hugging her loving. (It is very pretty, my little sweetness.) 

My precious child nuzzled into me, settling comfily on my lap, and I gladly held her, savouring single millisecond of this moment. 

"What would you like for breakfast, princess?"- asked Mathew with a smile that his elder brothers mirrored. 

"Puis-je avoir la même céréale, que Winnie a mangée hier pour le petit déjeuner, s'il vous plaît?"- asked politely my little girl, snuggling more into me. (Can I have the same cereal, which Winnie ate yesterday for breakfast, please?) 

"Absolument. L'aimeriez-vous avec du lait ou du yogourt?"- replied Ares, taking the box of Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins. (Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins) 

"Le lait, s'il vous plaît."- responded excitedly Genevieve as I kissed her cheek, getting the most adorable smile in return. (Milk, please.) 

"Allez-vous manger des céréales avec moi, papa?"- wondered my beautiful girl and I smiled brightly. (Will you eat cereal with me, daddy?) 

"Bien sûr, mon petit trésor."- I answered contentedly and kissed her forehead. (Of course, my little treasure.) 

On this wholesome note all of us ate breakfast together, laughing and smile, pleasantly conversing in French - my mother-tongue, first language of my kids. 

After our sublime family breakfast, Genevieve went upstairs to bring her latest drawing to show it to me, and I chatted with my sons meanwhile. 

"She is very light. How much she weights?"- I asked in concern, seeing how they tensed up. 

"14 kilograms. It tends to drop to 13 at times."- answered bitterly Mathew, taking some folder from a bag before handing it to me. 

"She was nearly dead when we found her."- almost whispered Winston, my blood running cold at his words and information in the file. 

Genevieve's medical reports. 

The more I read, the more rage I felt. My sweet child went though hell at such young, pure age, having nobody to protect and love her. 

"Peterson is behind it We assume mother was part of this too because she happened to pay us a visit, demanding to get Vivi back. She left after dropping a few threats, but her visit was more than enough to horrify the life out of Genevieve."- spoke Ares in anger and sadness that each of us feels. 

Before I could say anything, our little sunshine dashed in the room and climbed on my lap with my help. 

"Regarde, papa. C'est le papillon monarque, c'est le papillon Ulysse. Sur, c'est mon préféré - Ménélas bleu Morpho papillon."- spoke delightedly my daughter, showing me the gorgeous drawing of butterflies. (Look, daddy. This is Monarch butterfly, this is Ulysses butterfly. On, this is my favourite - Menelaus blue Morpho butterfly.) 

The drawings are done by colourful pencils and are unutterably detailed. They look very realistic. 

"Les dessins sont envoûtants, mon petit chéri. Vous êtes un artiste incroyable."- I replied sincerely in admiration of my small painter. (The drawings are mesmerising, my little darling. You are amazing artist.) 

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