After finishing the recommendations for the seventies, eighties and a few nineties, the group took a much needed break.


"Hello, honey," James slurred slightly, his eyes droopy and lips pulled into a grin. "Don't you look pretty?" She smiled, finding amusement in his lack of sobriety.

"Don't you look handsome, honey?"

"Oh, don't compliment him, you'll make his head grow ten times larger,"

It was an unfamiliar voice that spoke to Calypso, and she turned. It was a tall, extremely tan man, with dark curly hair, "Lucas," He extended his hand to the girl, instantly being taken aback by her beauty. She radiated with kindness and innocence as she stood on stage, and he promised himself he would atleast introduce himself to the little lamb.

"Calypso, pleased to meet you,"

She shook his hand, her attention still being on James. He stared at Lucas, seemingly sober just as the man spoke to his butterfly. Lucas was an old friends of his, but he'd never leave his prized possessions alone with him. He was prone to taking things that weren't his, and the two men got into fights frequently.

"You're the lead singer, right?" Calypso nodded, "Kinda, yeah. We all just kinda sing when we want to or can, we don't have designated spots for eachother." Lucas nodded, listening intently.

James just watched, watched and waited for the moment that would make it understandable why he meet his friends face to a pulp.

And then, there it was. He was smirking at Calypso, and when he did his signature move of pointing to the necklace the girl was wearing, a "Can I see?" And then he'd touch them, but before he could act, Calypso turned around, completely dismissing Lucas, and she smiled warmly at James.

His hard, stern expression quickly faded, and Calypso mentally thank Avery from seeing the situation from further away, and alerting her with a dramatic wave and jumping around. She saw James' expression, and knew what it meant.

"You wanna come outside with me?"

James only nodded, his cold eyes still just focused on James. And Calypso took his hand, sparks and fire bloomed at their touch, and she pulled him through the crowd.

"You need to relax, James," She said once they were outside, and James rolled his eyes. "That's not helping, Cal," She groaned, and sighed into her hands, "Well, I've never been in this situation, so forgive me if I don't know what the fuck to do right now," James looked at her, "Situation? What's our situation?"

She looked at him, anger suddenly blooming in her chest, "You tell me, James,"

"I don't know, Calypso. I don't know what I'm doing," She chewed on her bottom lip, and willed the tears away. James looked at her, and she rolled her eyes, "Jesus, James," He frowned at her, and she continued, "What are you doing with me, James?"

He shrugged, "I don't know,"

Calypso laughed, but more out of pain then anything else, "What do you know?" James inhaled, "That you're just a kid-" She held a long, dainty finger up, "I swear to God, if you finish that sentence, I'm knocking you clean in your jaw,"

"Baby, listen. You're still young, a d you've got your entire life ahead of you, you shouldn't be with someone like me,"

Calypso narrowed her eyes, "Yeah? So that's the end of this?" James avoided her green eyes, afraid he'd melt on the spot, "Yeah, baby,"

And then, Calypso turned swiftly, and opened the door to the bar, leaving James alone. It was the first time Calypso didn't smile at the moon when she was outside, so, when James looked up at him, it gleamed on him, smiling sadly.

The three girls were backstage, Calypso was staring at herself in the mirror, touching herself up. Not a word was spoken, until Calypso said, "We ended things, whatever we had between us,"


"He said I was a kid, and you know how I feel about that, so it's done," Her two friends smiled sadly at her through the mirror, not wanting to press on about it, although Avery's curiosity nipped at her. She stood, kissed Calypso on the cheek and left backstage.

"He made you laugh,"

Angela spoke suddenly, and Calypso's hands fell in her lap, she stared down at them, "He did," Angela nodded, "And he made you smile, we haven't seen you smile like that since the accident," Angela truly hadn't, Calypso and her dad stayed with Angela's family for a while, and ever since then, Calypso didn't smile like she was supposed to.

"If you like him-"

"Angel, it's not me, this one time,"

Angela sighed, "I know, bug. But if you like him, you gotta show him that you're not actually a kid, you're just young,"

Calypso turned in her seat, "How?" Angela smirked, and shrugged, "Think about it, babes. Come on," Calypso stood up with Angela, and the two friends joined the rest of the group.

Calypso didn't see James again that night, and she would never admit she was sad about it, but she was. The group finished their performance, took a few drinks, and then booked their way to the twins apartment. Calypso was a little bit more than tipsy, and she carried the thick heeled boots in her hand, thrown over her shoulder. The group laughed loudly, jumping and running, hair and limbs breezing in the warm midnight air.

That night, as Calypso started falling asleep, she didn't think about a familiar pair of blue eyes, nor his hands, and definitely not about how his lips felt on her neck, her lips.

The bright morning sun burned into the apartment, and two blondes and a purple head all groaned in unison. Calypso's headache wasn't that bad, when she woke up with something laying ontop of her. So, still asleep, she started letting the hairy thing.

"Dude, stop," Avery swatted her hand away, and Calypso finally looked up, "I thought you were the cat," It was silent for a few seconds, but then splutters of laughter echoed through the room.

"Oh, my god. I'm dying," Avery groaned as she sat up, followed by Angela, and then by Calypso. Before them, on the coffee table, stood three cups of coffee, with a small not under one. Avery slipped it from under, and in very neat handwriting stood:

Work. Love you,


"God, bless that boy," Angela said as she picked up the coffee and sipped on it. Calypso nodded in agreement, and took a sip from her own coffee. The three girls stared out infront of themselves, quietly drinking their coffee. It didn't take long for them to pile into the bathroom, Calypso and Avery jumped into the bath together, and Angela showered.

The three of them screamed the lyrucs to some random song as they cleaned themselves, and like bestfriends, they stood infront of the mirror and brushed their teeth, challenging eachother with who could brush the longest. (Calypso won)

"Caly, you wanna walk with me?" Avery asked her as she brushed her hair, and threw it into a ponytail. None of the girls had work today, so they agreed they'd spend the whole day together.


"You know what for," Avery wiggled her brows, and Calypso rolled her eyes. "Fine," Was all she said as looked at herself in the mirror. She borrowed a pair of Avery's shorts, dark blue and denim, and the threw on a tiny white shirt.

Avery and Calypso kissed Angela on the cheek as she spoke to her parents, and she waved at the before they left.

The two bestfriends raced down the stairs, giggles and laughs echoing in the empty building. They pushed open the front door, and Calypso felt her throat dry up at the sight before her. James leaned against an old Chevrolet Camaro, with a floral button up shirt, and black trousers. His hair was tied behind his head in a little bun, and black sunglasses rested on his nose bridge.

Avery stood next to her, then looked at her and kissed her on the cheek, muttering a quick, "Goodluck," to Calypso. She shoved earphones in her ears, and leaned against a random building.

Calypso stared at James as he did at her, and she offered him a small grin, and the man felt his entire world stand still at that. It was the smallest of smiles, but the flower in his heart that wilted last night, had been watered again.

Calypso and the MoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon