•Chapter 19• •Concerns•

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So my ODC and crippling anxiety insisted that I finish writing this book at 3 in the fricken morning-

Note: Some chapters may be a lot longer than the others and might take a little more time to be released. Do mentally prepare yourself for a lot of stuff to go down-

Also thank you @ChildTheWild for the lovely Fanart up top! It's adorable!

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Also thank you @ChildTheWild for the lovely Fanart up top! It's adorable!

•~Edd's POV~•

"No wallet, no cash, no credit card, no car, no way back. Well then. I am absolutely screwed." I slapped myself in the face and groaned.

How could I be so stupid to have left my wallet in my desk drawer! Now how am I supposed to fix my car?

"You need help there, partner?"

I jump up and yelp out of surprise. The owner of the repair shop was looking at me through the screen door. He was dressed like some cowboy, the hat, the boots, everything! He even had the weird accent.

"I ummm- My car broke down." I awkwardly blurted out.

He raised an eyebrow but opened the door, walking over to my car to take a look. He opens the hood and a bunch of steam comes rising out.

"Hmmm. Yep. She be broken alright. But nothing a little love can't fix." He smiles as he looks at the car. "A real beaut! Where'd you get her?"

"Oh! It's actually custom made." I shift uncomfortably. I'm not use to talking about cars. I just want to get mine fixed so I can find my boyfriend. Then it hit me. The money problem. "I Uhh- So little problem. I don't have my wallet on me or any cash of that matter."

The man looks over at me, hoping I was joking but when he saw my expression, he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You rich folk and forgetting your wallets. Alright, I'll fix her and send you on your way but you gotta do a little something in return for me."

"And what would that be exactly?" I asked with a nervous breath.

"How much you know about cars?"

"Not much. Why?"

"Alright. You'll have to do then."

"Do for what?"

"In return for fixing your car here, you have to be my assistant for the day." He chuckled.

I stood there a little surprise that he wanted me to be his assistant for the day. I didn't know the first thing about cars or even fixing them. "Are you sure? I wouldn't have any clue as to what I'd be doing."

"I'm sure. Now how about we start to get to work. Let's start with your car."

"O-Okay sir!" I quickly walk over and help him tow my car into the garage.

He points to his left at a wall filled with different tools. "Can you grab me my wrench? The big one."

I nod and walk over, picking up the wrench to walk back over and give it to him. He smiles as he takes it and starts to get to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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