Epilogue: Call Me in Like

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💐 Rose Hart – Mar. 7, 2015

     “I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea.” Fate sighs as we watch the idiots in front of us seem to destroy everything in their wake.

     “I can’t believe we’re dating two of those idiots,” Blake mumbles beside me, pushing a red strand of hair behind her ear. Blake and I have actually became quite good friends, we are much alike but not so much that we’d rip each other’s heads of because honestly, who wants two Blakes/Roses? No one.

     “To think that I actually thought Theo was hot, I’ve never seen him like this” Fate says to me to which I laugh.

     “I am hot!” Theo shouts as he rips the controller out of Liam’s hands – Blake’s boyfriend who is basically a younger Theo. They both can be sweet yet very annoying.

      The current situation took place in Blake’s and Fate’s apartment where the boys lounged on the sofa and on the floor – the boys being Louis, Liam, Theo and Harry – while the girls stand by the arch that lead to the kitchen – the girls being Fate, Blake and I.  Fate had planned for all of us to have a nice dinner together, as nice as having dinner in the living room could get, but when Louis and I arrived his eyes darted to Blake’s game counsel and he went crazy. I, of course, simmered him down so that I could help Fate and Blake (she was ‘supervising) in the kitchen but when we walked back, the boys were playing Call of Duty and being completely chaotic.

     “Not even,” Louis scoffs as he pushes Harry’s feet away from him. Harry was really the only calm and collected one out of the four boys, for he wasn’t too interested in competition – or so he says, I think it’s because he knows Fate isn’t a fan. “Tell him, babe.”

     “Sorry, Lou but Theo is attractive,” I say with a shrug making him rip his eyes away from the television to look at me with wide eyes. “Not as attractive as you, though.”

     “Damn straight,” he says before nudging Theo with his foot.

     I roll my eyes at my boyfriend but end up smiling fondly at him – and he caught this action, so he simply mouthed ‘I love you, Cupid’ before going back to his game. He’d always say that he loves me in a joking manner.

     Fate drags me back to the kitchen with a grin. “So, I never got to ask you; how does it feel to finally be a chef at Caeser’s?”

     “Really good actually, about time Sam had found my true calling,” I say with a smile. So, just a few days ago Louis had told me to confront Sam on how I feel and though I thought it was stupid, I did it and in the end, I got rewarded. He told me that he was sorry for how he acted, he acted this way because he was having wife problems for quite some time, and then told me that I was more than qualified to be a chef at Caeser’s – I may have made out with Louis out of pure happiness because of it.

      After the havoc in the living room had died down and the dinner was served and eaten, Louis dragged me to the balcony with a grin on his face.

     “Why do you always feel the need to drag me to cold places?” I ask him as I press myself to his body in attempt to receive his heat. He wraps his arms around me and rocks back and forth.

     “So we can cuddle,” he replies after pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I roll my eyes but wrap my arms around his waist anyways. “I like you.”

     I snorted. “Well, I’d hope so.”

     “Stop ruining the moment, Rose.” He pinches my butt making me laugh and look up to meet his eyes. “Say it back.”

     “I’m completely in like with you, Louis Tomlinson,” I say and even though I rolled my eyes, I meant it.


💘 💘 💘

(A/N): SHE REFFERED TO HERSELF AS CUPID, AWWW. THEY ARE SO CUTE, I WANT TEN. AND ALL THE BOYS AND AW. Tbh, Louis, Harry and Liam are probably going to be the only boys who actually hang out together. I think it’s too cliché to have all five (sorry ziall. I still love you.). In Harry’s story, LiLo will be mentioned and Ziall will probably have glimpses idk. But whatever because Niall’s love story is next!

So, until then!

P.S. that gif, oh gosh

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